its basically the old 15" macbook pro with the 2018 macbook air features
Or 13" in a 11" frame like the Dell XPS for the past 4 years.
I just want a MacBook Pro 13” with a dedicated GPU. Even the highest priced 13” (which is more expensive than a baseline 15”) still has integrated graphics
Damn.. I really want that MacBook ?
So you've had this for over how many months again..?
Elon Musk(2030) : Finally we have colonised Mars Markass Brownie : So, I have been playing here around since the last decade , here's my experience
Not the same footprint as a 15 inch macbook pro. it is actually taller according to the verge's review and comparison
4:20 Did he say new Mac Pro, or new iMac Pro in December?
Yeah, it's mainly due to fire hazards. I used to work with Lithium-ion batteries as an electronics engineer and they also need to have a specific state of charge before getting on a plane.
Why am I watching this? I’m never gonna get a Mac book. I’m a gamer
Will there be a Design Refresh in 2020?
Hey Marques, How is it going? Do you have Part/Model number of 16-inch MBP entry level ?
Apples magic keyboard buttons jumps out of the laptop for no reason. Real magic
It’s good Apple is going back to the scissor mechanism for their keyboards the butterfly keyboards were a disaster. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it comes to mine when that butterly came out..
Bummed about the new keyboard but the rest looks pretty good.
Do you think the new base model will outperform the 2016 13" base model for editing in final cut pro?
noone: nobody: mkbhd: VerY aPpLe
Hocus Pocus!! Marques definitely has some good tastes in music! Represent french artists!!!
literally lol
Weak gpu still
Wait, did Apple actually for the first time improve the things that we wanted them to improve?
Okay, seriously …… why do laptops have shit webcams ? apple clearly has access to awesome cameras …… so why the shit webcam ?pretty much no laptop on the market has a good camera neither apple or anybody else.
Hocus Pocus – Equilibre
6:53 That hurt my heart badly
its basically the old 15" macbook pro with the 2018 macbook air features
Or 13" in a 11" frame like the Dell XPS for the past 4 years.
I just want a MacBook Pro 13” with a dedicated GPU. Even the highest priced 13” (which is more expensive than a baseline 15”) still has integrated graphics
Damn.. I really want that MacBook ?
So you've had this for over how many months again..?
Elon Musk(2030) : Finally we have colonised Mars
Markass Brownie : So, I have been playing here around since the last decade , here's my experience
2:41 Literally lol
but can it run minecraft?
Not the same footprint as a 15 inch macbook pro. it is actually taller according to the verge's review and comparison
4:20 Did he say new Mac Pro, or new iMac Pro in December?
Yeah, it's mainly due to fire hazards. I used to work with Lithium-ion batteries as an electronics engineer and they also need to have a specific state of charge before getting on a plane.
Why am I watching this? I’m never gonna get a Mac book. I’m a gamer
Will there be a Design Refresh in 2020?
Hey Marques, How is it going? Do you have Part/Model number of 16-inch MBP entry level ?
Apples magic keyboard buttons jumps out of the laptop for no reason. Real magic
It’s good Apple is going back to the scissor mechanism for their keyboards the butterfly keyboards were a disaster. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it comes to mine when that butterly came out..
Bummed about the new keyboard but the rest looks pretty good.
Do you think the new base model will outperform the 2016 13" base model for editing in final cut pro?
mkbhd: VerY aPpLe
Hocus Pocus!! Marques definitely has some good tastes in music! Represent french artists!!!
literally lol
Weak gpu still
Wait, did Apple actually for the first time improve the things that we wanted them to improve?
Okay, seriously …… why do laptops have shit webcams ? apple clearly has access to awesome cameras …… so why the shit webcam ?pretty much no laptop on the market has a good camera neither apple or anybody else.
Always be nomber one laptop choise
2k for a laptop with a Esc key clap clap
2:40 That’s the blink part
?Can that gpu edit 8k?
Seems like a great laptop, I've had an xps 13 for a couple of years and I've always wanted some better speakers on it.