Usually when drones are in the news it’s in relation to a military attack but that seems likely to change thanks to a new sport, drone racing. It’s already being called the sport of the future with the drones, or quads as the racers call them, flying around obstacle courses at up to 160 kilometres an hour. Christian Parkinson has been to meet two of the racers taking part in next months drone world championships to find out what the sport is all about and what skills you need to get to the top.
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Hi BBC NEWS what a drone name?
potential. hopefully it evolves into a live stream, but then the course would have to eventually become more in depth, tunnels, fire, obstacles of great magnitude. perhaps a firing mechanism. This would ultimately become a spectacle to witness and maybe even bet on. Right now its just a really cool new flying camera technology. lots of potential to grow.
Yes, I guess so, but traditional racing will still be there too.
This sports and technology must be improved for ordinal radio controlled car sports!!!! that must be great fun I swear. ^^
this is an activity not a sport
Not my proudest wank
0.25 profile pic material right there!
That looks so fun!
please mention esports once
Game of Drones
They are kawaii!?
Another quiet day at the BBC?
funny as all the new developing sports don´t require movement at all xD
Can't win…
The BBC and CBS would enter the race and manipulate the signals to make it appear their drone is faster
Human beings and our infinite capacity to amuse ourselves to death.
It just needs to be larger and have a Hellfire missile and be used in Afghanistan to… oh wait.