Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Finance & Global News – Market Update October 20th 2019
In this week’s cryptocurrency market update we look at all the latest news headlines for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Stable Coins, US, Trump, ECB, China, Hong Kong, Australia, currency wars, Libra, stock markets & more. Bitcoin price was volatile this week with Altcoins following lower. Stock markets were strong off the back of the US China trade hopes & central banks injecting reserves to sure up overnight Repo markets once again. Stimulus & interest rate cuts have been implemented in Australia, United States, Europe & are likely going to continue going forward.
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I am not a licensed financial advisor. My views are general in nature and should not be taken as financial advice. Always do your own research before investing any money.
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Thank me later
How can I make money on bitcoin?
Do your eToro affiliate link to get the $100 AUD in BTC only works to Australian people ?
I choose PRIZM because I consider it the best tool!
I think you need more tabs open
Great video! Thanks so much for your hard work!
Information is power, but the right information will make you wealthy. Never overlook the potential that bitcoin and crypto have to change the world economy. According to statistics, the world will face a major economic recession in the coming year, and are you planning ahead for it? I guess most people answer will be no, you need to face the world and the surprises it brings with the right approach. Bitcoin will save many in the coming year, and this can only be achieved if only you invest and hold some reasonable amount of it today. As a bitcoin investor, I will always point out the importance of why we need to hold some amount of bitcoin ahead of the upcoming major bull run and world economic recession. If you have noticed, the news coming out of these major institutions is that they are adopting blockchain technology, and just days back Rakuten made a statement that it has opened its exchange. So what I will advice everyone to do now is to hold more bitcoin and I know that many will be asking how possible is that. Don't worry a pro trader who helped me is also available to help you as well. Erik Larsson is a pro trader, and he helped both newbies and advanced traders to make more profit trading crypto. In the first month of using his strategies, I profited up to 345%, and my portfolio became green again. He can also help you to achieve that or even more by just contacting him today via eriklarsson888@gmailcom > WhatsApp * +447426071628, and remember that the right information is the ultimate power.
Do not stop at Bitcoins alone. There are other interesting coins with their own characteristics. For example, PRIZM. Thanks to paramining, you can earn almost no work. The percentage of savings depends on the number of coins in the wallet. Is it possible to miss such an opportunity?
In Russia, PRIZM cryptocurrency is causing a stir. It also enters the international market. If it grows, can you expect a review from you?
Checkout- Insolar ( INS) https://insolar.io/platform
Great job! 12:45 Litecoin
A quick look at the website of a company called Digital Currency Group (DCG) may convince you that it’s true. It appears they own the entire blockchain and cryptocurrency space.
DCG is, according to its own website, “The epicenter of the bitcoin and blockchain industry”. Former Treasury Secretary and New York Fed insider Larry Summers is an advisor to the DCG board, whose members include Lawrence Lenihan, Glenn Hutchins, and Barry Silbert.
Lenihan is a former IBM insider, who co-developed the company’s first transactional interactive multimedia software kiosk products. He once served as chairman of the Duke University Pratt School of Engineering Devil Venture Fund. He is also on the boards of Body Labs and TraceLink.
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Andreas! Yes!!
Contact Nix at cryptonicnix@gmail.com or +14846192799 for your Bitcoin mining, thank me later.
Would it be possible to get an interview happening with someone who is bullish on the economy and thinks we won’t go in a recession?
But there are still intermediaries on the Bitcoin network that we are paying fees to. I don't get it…
Cool phone! But you CAN already run a full node on a phone, I do!
Thank you for the video. I recommend paying attention to the Prizm cryptocurrency (PZM). The coin is sold on Livecoin, BTC-Alpha and already on the Asian HotBit exchange. She has great potential for growth in the near future. It is enough to keep coins in your wallet and receive additional coins constantly for this. Prooa-of-stake is power.
I was going to sign up for the eToro thing, until I read their TOS and discovered everyone on the site can see your full name, state of residence, any trades you make (without amounts), etc. I'm not interested in being that social. That stuff needs to be optin but not required for participation.
My strategy for the last two years:
1: Ignore everything the naysayers are saying
2: Keep accumulating at every anticipated monthly low and HODL
3: Trade daily lows and highs with 0.1% maker fee with Bitfinex (https://bitfinex.com/?refcode=ohURNvSp)
Let me know what your strategy in this space is!
mining is already the last century! now new technology! PARAMINING in cryptocurrency PRIZM! coins are paramaynayutsya in your wallet without any farms and the cost of electricity! your blockchain! all transactions are transparent!
My bank doesn't allow me to transfer to etorro because it's connected to trading ?
Nexus is going to change distributed ledger technology forever November 5, 2019! Remember Remember the 5th of November!!!
Keep it up, Alex! Would love to see Sergey from Chainlink on the podcast!
Wozniak spoke many time he doesnt like crypto and btc..
is the etoro reward $100 USD or AUD ? How long do I have to leave money on the site? thanks sounds good
End of November Vechain’s new blockchain explorer goes live and it will reveal the Authority Node Holders!!
“ Authority Masternode holders to formalize the node management and monitoring process so that they will be comfortable with letting the public know who are operating the Authority Masternodes.”
You know we are living in an upside down world when our indigenous brothers & sisters are having trouble after just 3 days without welfare when their ancestors lived successfully in Australia for *60,000 years without it!
Time to get back to your roots!
Serious question, why would anyone buy USDC?
QE to infinity – liquidity sloshing – markets will sail higher. Don’t fight the FED, until what has worked in the past, doesn’t work in the future!! But until then, watch the FED and don’t fight them!!
Looking forward to Nuggs & the Golden greek mashing it up. Collaborations!
Awesome!! Good to hear about the interview!