ESCAPING THE MATRIX PRISON In Virtual Reality (Funny SUPERHOT VR Gameplay) ProjectJamesify — October 21, 2019 42 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Oculus Quest is the new, innovative virtual reality headset! Check it out Sponsored by Oculus, #OculusPartner #OculusQuest Can We … source camera phone free sharing upload video video phone Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
A huge thanks to Oculus for sponsoring this video! ? Check out the Oculus Quest virtual reality headset right here ?
A huge thanks to Oculus for sponsoring this video! ?
Check out the Oculus Quest virtual reality headset right here ?
Good stuff fam ??
I hate my life
"There is a shot gun and a knife so it is heven"
Lol James is world war 3 happening in heven
all the villains: kill him!
James: "Kills all without trying"
Love this game!!
5:23 my favorite level
I’ve. Played. ITS SO HARD!!!!!!! He makes it look so easy!
I'm the 300 like
Im the first one
I'm the 314
Pls more
fun fact: superhot is game from poland (my country)
Whats wrong? I dont see anything bad in this words.
You so biutiful ProjektJamesify??
Shout out pls
My favorite game
I thought this was prison boss
how do you get the nord mask
2019 anyone? Like if your in 2019!
I’ve been watching for a while now
Nice vid, I also make cool vids, ppease sub2 me!
And I am the 72 like
Liked and subbed
U dont need to explode their heads james
Hi I love the vits thay are the best
Can you please please play bravo team vr
I love your VR vids
EVERYONE SUB TO PROJECTJAMESIFY He needs 1mil! Get him to 1mil plz!
I like every video you make
Hi you are the best
I'm the 11 like
Love you James your the best
I’m A big Fan
I love your videos
Lol that helicopter is about to crash right in to me