Get the VISUO drone here: https://goo.gl/WGbZDF
Here’s my favorite beginner drone: https://goo.gl/1uJio9
Check out the new Mavic Air: http://bit.ly/mavic-air-dji
This drone works with gopro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5T24ZWFMRs
This isn’t even close to what the DJI Mavic can do, but it looks very simmilar and for the price it may just be the best camera drone under $50, or at least a good one.
It feels plasticky and light, but that also makes it more resistant to crashes.
You can also download the app by scanning the QR code in the manual and with that you can see what the drone catches in real time.
In terms of how well it flies, I was really impressed with this drone as it’s very stable. I think for the price and what it has to offer it’s a really good deal for someone who wants a toy quadcopter to play around. The motors are a little noisy, but it’s still less than the DJI Mavic.
The VISUO XS809W is actually a solid first drone to impress your friends.
?Cheap drones(orded by price) ➜https://dronesgator.com/cheap-drones/
?Best drones for kids ➜ https://dronesgator.com/best-drones-for-kids/
?Long Range drones➜ https://dronesgator.com/long-range-drones/
?Best drones under $50➜ https://dronesgator.com/best-drones-under-50/
?Best drones under $100➜ https://dronesgator.com/best-drones-under-100/
?Best drones under $200 ➜https://dronesgator.com/best-drones-under-200/
?Best drones under $300➜ https://dronesgator.com/best-drones-under-300/
?Best drones under $500 ➜https://dronesgator.com/best-drones-under-500/
?Best drones under $1000➜ https://dronesgator.com/best-drones-under-1000/
? Contact me ⚊ iampaularcher@gmail.com
?Cheap drones(orded by price) ➜https://dronesgator.com/cheap-drones/
?Best drones for kids ➜ https://dronesgator.com/best-drones-for-kids/
?Long Range drones➜ https://dronesgator.com/long-range-drones/
?Best drones under $50➜ https://dronesgator.com/best-drones-under-50/
?Best drones under $100➜ https://dronesgator.com/best-drones-under-100/
?Best drones under $200 ➜https://dronesgator.com/best-drones-under-200/
?Best drones under $300➜ https://dronesgator.com/best-drones-under-300/
?Best drones under $500 ➜https://dronesgator.com/best-drones-under-500/
?Best drones under $1000➜ https://dronesgator.com/best-drones-under-1000/
? Contact me ⚊ iampaularcher@gmail.com
I want a dji spark
just recently bought one from banggood.com and that thing flew away from me…lost signal and it drifted to the freeway with on coming traffic…very very dangerous.
bought this one… its junk!!!
thank you very much. i have this visuo battke shark drone. greeting from your new friend
U r soooo handsome
Hell if you got to have instructions on how to un box it, then its way to complicated for me
Excellent video.
This is dirt cheap, yet people are asking all kinds of crazy questions like, "does it have return to home?"
"Does it have follow me mode?"
"Does it record in stabilized glorious 4K?"
Typical people wanting something for nothing. You want top of the range features? Then pay top money for a DJI ???
can i get it in greece ???
Brush less motor..?
Bro… You are awesome a drone like that for 37euro? Amazing thanks for making this vid
Hey. I am ordering today, Just one question. Should I get with 1 battery or with 3 batteries since it just cost only 5 euros extra, what do you recommend?
Return to Home?
If you whant a good mavic copy buy 8807hd mavic copy its actually really good
If somebody know cheap drone (under 50 dollars) for making videos from high altitude, type it
Check out my new drone videos! It is worth it
Really need some views
Bro please suggest me a better drone under 100$
Where did you get your new shell (orange color) for your mavic ? or was it a vinyl wrap ?
? Thanks in advance 
You made a drone review video and you oly included 20 seconds of actual drone video footage? Are you retarded or something?
The remote looks 95% like an Xbox one controller lol
could you give me one
Can i use the video for small video project for YouTube
I want this drone but it doesnt ship to my country
Paul. What I was asking, is it difficult to do. Thanks
Your Mavic looks really great. Did you wrap it yourself and if you did where did you get the kit. I’m in the UK.
?Check Description?
? My top drones:?
Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pTrFOCJrlY
Most stable/Best Selfie DRONE under $100:http://bit.ly/dji-tello-ryze
Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzojEDPCmHc
Most Stable/ Best Selfie DRONE under $50: http://bit.ly/jjrc-splendor
? Best Cheap Foldable Drone (Mavic Clone): http://bit.ly/eachine-e58drone
( 8% off coupon: toysho )
? Most fun drone for kids: http://amzn.to/2CY8Nut
? Best PRO Camera Drone: http://bit.ly/mavic-air-dji
Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2k9gptTRQs
? Best Brushless RC Car under $160: http://bit.ly/2Gilq8J
Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwW7BBMHlUw
how can i get this
Most people don't know the difference between that drone and a Mavic?? What kind of morons do you associate with?
Ummm where is the coupon code ?
Im buying ot right now ask me questions and ill answer when i get my hands on it
Is the camera HD (1080P or 720p)? How far can it go away from the controller?
Can you plug it in a wall
This is inspired by The mavic , Not a copy cat, Want to know a Mavic copy cat ? Eachine e58
Please I need help! Is this better then the JJR/C + drone????
dont buy, it lasted only 10 mins and dead
What are your thoughts on the parrot Bebop 2??
Wow :O Thanks for this it looks amazing lol
Wow nice drone
What drone would you recommend for a beginner that wants to use while riding a motorcycle
I’m getting it
I'm looking for an economical drone, which can reach a distance of 300/500 mtrs and can return home, so surely I need to see by camera when you release the plummet to fishing, and surely need GPS for a good signal. Does this exist?