The Terminator DLC Review from Mortal Kombat 11. Reviewed by Mitchell Saltzman on Xbox One. Also available on PlayStation 4, PC, and Nintendo Switch.
The Terminator DLC Review from Mortal Kombat 11. Reviewed by Mitchell Saltzman on Xbox One. Also available on PlayStation 4, PC, and Nintendo Switch.
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10 / 10
Its Yes
I want a MK game that just has ALL the special characters. Then have the reg characters as DLC
Terminator is trash
im so happy for this
Doesn't sound like him? What're you talking about?! The voice is perfect plus Arnold HAND PICKED the guy to voice him
I don't mind The voice
They cant say skynet anymore!
Arnold Schwarzenegger is in Mortal Kombat
Dreams do come true
where’s the ghost recon breakpoint review
He has a move called"the running man?" Cool
Yes, they said that. About a emotionless robot. Who woulda guessed?
He’s a joke…a sloppy cut and paste job from Jason in MKX and on top of that it’s not even Arnold voice acting! This entire game is absolute garbage. 20% off not even 30 days post launch, 40% off right now not even at the six month post launch date, and now a free to play weekend…
Can you say EPIC FAILURE ????
I don't know what the hell they want. THIS IS HOW THE TERMINATOR SOUNDS….ALL THE TIME! It may not be Arnold doing the voice, but it sounds damn near close. These dudes that are reviewing are a joke.
Аааааарррррнииииии! ????
Worst mk ever
When will we get to buy just terminator not the whole kombat pack ?
Dlc That I didnt want lol
What about pretador
Wow! Didn't even need Arnold's voice. The guy voicing him now is dead on!!! Kudos to whoever picked him!!!
who wants to play as an older arnie though ? terminator 1984 version would be far better
OMFG!! I want to buy this game for this character only. I dgaf about the voice.
Best move set hands down idc what anyone says
Should've been voiced by Bill Hader.
The editing at the beginning earned you some brownie points ign… well done
I'll wait for the Komplete edition.
I never knew IGN reviews everything in the world haha ?
IGN is wrong about Terminator not having a mid-range attack. You can Amply his shotgun blast and it will hit from mid-to-far range. Away, Forward, Front Punch + Amplify
Thank me later.
Am i the only one who believes his voice is okay.
Does it make me feel like like the terminator ?
when he talks i crindge
Seriously? Wheres the ghost recon breakpoint review?
After Resident Evil 2's review from IGN, I will never trust or listen to another IGN review again. The fact they did not even realise what the game fully offered and had to change their review score tells a lot.
I quite like his simple and non comic voice
‘It has a little something for everyone’
It has a little something for everyone
Not gonna throw any hate here, 'cause these reviews are very professional. After a couple of hours with him in training mode I very much agree with the things being said. But it's bitter sweet getting such an awesome character that is being held a little back because of that awful voice…
Endoskeleton and the voice are awesome, wtf are you talking about
10/10 at least hes not voiced by Dmitri Vegas
Is it T-100 or 800 ?
“Terminators voice is too robotic”
IGN 2019