Information and subscription on We believe we experience reality as it is. However, recent evidence from neuroscience suggests that …
It is not smarter than us, it is Us and it is always rudimentary compared to the complexity of nature and all of it's unknowns. The mystery is to be protected.
13:17 outsourcing to a machine, a minute later: make us do some things that we may not want, "which means that humans make things that are not good for us but we still do them"
This man is pro-chipping. Fyi, humans had this natural capacity and govtcheese annihilated it on purpose.
New entertainment idea: read comments on Moran Cerfs
Be sure to keep the populus addicted to something (video games, gossip, drugs, sex, device apps) thus controllable and disconnected from each other unevolved…
his accent is annoying
Impossible to watch. Speaks like a machine gun. Over the top annoying accent. Information my be good but not worth finding out.
I don’t know why this guy very much wants to put chips in people’s brain ?….. is this the chips ?? ? he talking about ????….. Brain is the place where our soul been placed and protect by nature. If u let them to open our brain, sure your soul will disappear….
the free dna in the air determine what we look like it then goes into the earth and from the mantle goes back up a new bacteria deep in the earth.. so everythough in everyones head enters the air as you breath out from dna… free dna carriers that exists all around humans transfer our minds instructions into the environment everytime we breathe.. this science is for morons and going in the wrong directions… altering a human will be changed by the environment.. this science is only effective in a unnatural environment to humans…
Long time ago (2002, 2005, 2007, etc.), the NEW PHYSICS (a book published at SPRINGER, Germany in 2015!): my theory is the EDWs (Epistemologically Different Worlds) published in 2002-2003: a new interpretation of quantum mechanics: in 2006, 2008, 2010 quantum theory is a pseudo-theory! The Universe does not exist, but EDWs are! (string theory is a pseudo-theory, see last chapter book 2010) My webpage here
At my webpage and other pages, there are FIVE books FREE (all English) and many articles. About my EDWs perspective, see SYNTHESE (2005, USA) and SPRINGER (2016, Germany): Illusions of Human Thinking: on concepts of Mind, Reality, and Universe in Psychology, Neuroscience and Physics) In this book: quantum theory is a pseudo-theory, the mind-brain (life-organism) problem is a pseudo-problem, cognitive neuroscience is a pseudo-science, the ontology of special and general theory of relativity (without spacetime), definition of ‘life’, mental representation, etc. See also my article (2015) "God even cannot exist", posted at my webpage:
Einstein’s special and general relativities without spacetime (space and time do not exist!): Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu (2017) From Hypernothing to Hyperverse: EDWs, Hypernothing, Wave and Particle, Elementary Particles, Thermodynamics, and Einstein’s Relativity Without “Spacetime”, Datagroup-Int S.R.L. (on Amazon)
It is about EDWs: the macro-EW (the planets, the cars, the stones), the micro-EW (electrons, protons, etc.), the wave-EW (electromagnetic waves), the mind-EW (the brain/body is an entity that belongs to the macro-EW), and other EDWs. in this way, I solved the nonlocality in QM (a pseudo-theory anyway since it is a mixture of two EDWs and such mixture is a huge ERROR), the divergence between Einstein's general relativity and QM, the mind-body problem, emergene (a pseudo-notion in QM, philosophy of mind, physics, etc.) and life-organism (=mind-body problem)… see my first FIVE books FREE (all English) at my webpage. see also how many (some of them quite famous) have plagiarized my ideas.
Gabriel Vacariu (February 2019 to 2014) The UNBELIEVABLE similarities between the ideas of some people (2011-2016) and my ideas (2002-2008) in physics (quantum mechanics, cosmology), cognitive neuroscience, philosophy of mind, and philosophy (this manuscript would require a REVOLUTION in international academy environment!)
There is a genetic disease that turns body parts and organs off most don't live past there 20th birthday and many first loose there eyesight and are diagnosed with early on set RP. And the real disease is not discovered until they die very young and most just drop dead. Could a chip save them
Great idea but like I've heard alot of people saying on here the dangers of the brain being hacked after you have this 'implant' are way to disasterous. But saying that I'm not sure how long humans will survive without tech like this, it's a double edged sword
Practicing fearful situations in virtual reality can overcome the fear
Water always remains level proving we live on a flat plane
Westworld is real
Moran has such profound sex appeal. Can’t help it, but he just turns on every single one of my buttons. Mindblowing information.
Idealism debunked materialism a long time ago lol only mainstream sheeple believe in an objective reality that continues to exist without a conscious observer to perceive the information hahah
the accent tho sounds like hes getting super excited every time he speaks its really annoying slow down mr aderol
Beware of guys like this.
Meet Dr Frankenstein.
interesting discovery, coming from the fell.. I mean the israeli presenter, the question behind is Why? the answer was written since the beginning of times.
Why be a king when you can be a “robot”.
sounds like Father Sarducci…
You're not voting very well, we will put this thing in your brain so you will always vote correctly for our great Big Brother.
This sounds logical however I see how this can be used to control people to do harmful things.
Making controllable human robots with implants… best way to have obedient servants. It seems Zionist agenda stepped a big level up. This man is one of the most dangerous person to humanity. So sad most of the people don't realize this.
Could he possibly speak any faster?! Can't listen.
Why are people so fucking stupid in this comment section. You just watch a video of 1 guy and start judging right away with out knowing their background and who they really are, But then again I guess your mind is allready brain washed.
Eyes are the main input part in a biological system and then the brain. Without eyes, universe wouldn't have existed for us and our life was just darkness. You think brain generates things as virtual simulated reality and something else it doesn't. The fact is that universe has generated brain, not brain generates contents of the universe, as observable universe depends, how far our eyes can see behind the lens or how long the waves of light can travel & reach us from a distant entity to make it visible.
all our advances in these areas are not done with nefarious intent they are medical advances they help people… For example, companies on the internet initially collected data to learn about and help customers. Then someone got the idea to aggregate all this data on us and create profiles, demographics and personas some direct and some indirect information. now they are buying and selling this information exposing us to decisions made without our knowing or having input. The implants will be the same. Initially good with unintended consequences.
Pure fucking evil animal abuser. He needs a good beating.
I feel like no one in this comment section actually watched the whole video.
In their twisted and digitally brainwashed minds the pros outweigh the cons of this like total recall agenda of theirs. Everyone will become mutants and completely sell out to the digital evolution and the current Reptilian Evolution of their doing also.
The chip will be used for Augmented Reality a mock process of how we was simulated here. Everyone will live in pods like in fallout3 soaked in some kind of age defying liquid like in a scifi movie. That is the future a future of fake holographic surrogates. THAT is the life you will live completely ASLEEP, conscious but at rest. A civilization of Shadows like ghosts and light. The Illuminati are after this and transcendence. They must be stopped. Mankind will evolve into Nothing but an illusionary species. And so the game of life will continue completely enslaved to their morbid scifi videogame. The people has spoken.
why do we keep coming back here then?
This is a dangerous man pushing Transhumanism. We all know they want everyone chipped eg one world government, digital currency, one world army etc It seems it all goes back to yes George Orwells 1984. We've been warned about this for a while now. I'm a telecoms engineer, everything has an IP address eg a back door route in. Which is exactly what's going on with all the smart stuff etc. We are all one consciousness yes, regarding quantum physics but our essence( soul) of who we are as people experiencing this life will be wiped out forever if we go into this madness. Ray Kurzweil senior engineer of google is pushing for everyone to be uploading their consciousness to the cloud by I think 2039?? I for one will not be involved with this and neither will my children. Some very good comments as well I can see.
Illuminaty promoter…..he is not weird but pure evil……once you let the chip in….your soul exits and they control you…..!!!
be like gods, huh? sounds like satan in the garden of eden, U think?
It is not smarter than us, it is Us and it is always rudimentary compared to the complexity of nature and all of it's unknowns. The mystery is to be protected.
13:17 outsourcing to a machine, a minute later: make us do some things that we may not want, "which means that humans make things that are not good for us but we still do them"
This man is pro-chipping. Fyi, humans had this natural capacity and govtcheese annihilated it on purpose.
New entertainment idea: read comments on Moran Cerfs
Be sure to keep the populus addicted to something (video games, gossip, drugs, sex, device apps) thus controllable and disconnected from each other unevolved…
his accent is annoying
Impossible to watch. Speaks like a machine gun. Over the top annoying accent. Information my be good but not worth finding out.
I don’t know why this guy very much wants to put chips in people’s brain ?….. is this the chips ?? ? he talking about ????….. Brain is the place where our soul been placed and protect by nature. If u let them to open our brain, sure your soul will disappear….
the free dna in the air determine what we look like it then goes into the earth and from the mantle goes back up a new bacteria deep in the earth.. so everythough in everyones head enters the air as you breath out from dna… free dna carriers that exists all around humans transfer our minds instructions into the environment everytime we breathe.. this science is for morons and going in the wrong directions… altering a human will be changed by the environment.. this science is only effective in a unnatural environment to humans…
Long time ago (2002, 2005, 2007, etc.), the NEW PHYSICS (a book published at SPRINGER, Germany in 2015!): my theory is the EDWs (Epistemologically Different Worlds) published in 2002-2003: a new interpretation of quantum mechanics: in 2006, 2008, 2010 quantum theory is a pseudo-theory! The Universe does not exist, but EDWs are! (string theory is a pseudo-theory, see last chapter book 2010) My webpage here
At my webpage and other pages, there are FIVE books FREE (all English) and many articles. About my EDWs perspective, see SYNTHESE (2005, USA) and SPRINGER (2016, Germany): Illusions of Human Thinking: on concepts of Mind, Reality, and Universe in Psychology, Neuroscience and Physics) In this book: quantum theory is a pseudo-theory, the mind-brain (life-organism) problem is a pseudo-problem, cognitive neuroscience is a pseudo-science, the ontology of special and general theory of relativity (without spacetime), definition of ‘life’, mental representation, etc. See also my article (2015) "God even cannot exist", posted at my webpage:
Dark matter/energy does not exist but EDWs are! (2016) Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu, Dark matter and Dark Energy, Space and Time, and Other pseudo-notions in Cosmology, Datagroup-Int, S.R.L. (
Einstein’s special and general relativities without spacetime (space and time do not exist!): Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu (2017) From Hypernothing to Hyperverse: EDWs, Hypernothing, Wave and Particle, Elementary Particles, Thermodynamics, and Einstein’s Relativity Without “Spacetime”, Datagroup-Int S.R.L. (on Amazon)
It is about EDWs: the macro-EW (the planets, the cars, the stones), the micro-EW (electrons, protons, etc.), the wave-EW (electromagnetic waves), the mind-EW (the brain/body is an entity that belongs to the macro-EW), and other EDWs. in this way, I solved the nonlocality in QM (a pseudo-theory anyway since it is a mixture of two EDWs and such mixture is a huge ERROR), the divergence between Einstein's general relativity and QM, the mind-body problem, emergene (a pseudo-notion in QM, philosophy of mind, physics, etc.) and life-organism (=mind-body problem)… see my first FIVE books FREE (all English) at my webpage. see also how many (some of them quite famous) have plagiarized my ideas.
Gabriel Vacariu (February 2019 to 2014) The UNBELIEVABLE similarities between the ideas of some people (2011-2016) and my ideas (2002-2008) in physics (quantum mechanics, cosmology), cognitive neuroscience, philosophy of mind, and philosophy (this manuscript would require a REVOLUTION in international academy environment!)
about this, a clip 13 min. here:
The document (among others) is at these addresses:
There is a genetic disease that turns body parts and organs off most don't live past there 20th birthday and many first loose there eyesight and are diagnosed with early on set RP. And the real disease is not discovered until they die very young and most just drop dead. Could a chip save them
Great idea but like I've heard alot of people saying on here the dangers of the brain being hacked after you have this 'implant' are way to disasterous. But saying that I'm not sure how long humans will survive without tech like this, it's a double edged sword
Practicing fearful situations in virtual reality can overcome the fear
Water always remains level proving we live on a flat plane
Westworld is real
Moran has such profound sex appeal. Can’t help it, but he just turns on every single one of my buttons. Mindblowing information.
Idealism debunked materialism a long time ago lol only mainstream sheeple believe in an objective reality that continues to exist without a conscious observer to perceive the information hahah
the accent tho sounds like hes getting super excited every time he speaks its really annoying slow down mr aderol
Beware of guys like this.
Meet Dr Frankenstein.
interesting discovery, coming from the fell.. I mean the israeli presenter, the question behind is Why? the answer was written since the beginning of times.
Why be a king when you can be a “robot”.
sounds like Father Sarducci…
You're not voting very well, we will put this thing in your brain so you will always vote correctly for our great Big Brother.
This sounds logical however I see how this can be used to control people to do harmful things.
Making controllable human robots with implants… best way to have obedient servants. It seems Zionist agenda stepped a big level up. This man is one of the most dangerous person to humanity. So sad most of the people don't realize this.
Could he possibly speak any faster?! Can't listen.
Why are people so fucking stupid in this comment section. You just watch a video of 1 guy and start judging right away with out knowing their background and who they really are, But then again I guess your mind is allready brain washed.
Eyes are the main input part in a biological system and then the brain. Without eyes, universe wouldn't have existed for us and our life was just darkness. You think brain generates things as virtual simulated reality and something else it doesn't. The fact is that universe has generated brain, not brain generates contents of the universe, as observable universe depends, how far our eyes can see behind the lens or how long the waves of light can travel & reach us from a distant entity to make it visible.
all our advances in these areas are not done with nefarious intent they are medical advances they help people… For example, companies on the internet initially collected data to learn about and help customers. Then someone got the idea to aggregate all this data on us and create profiles, demographics and personas some direct and some indirect information. now they are buying and selling this information exposing us to decisions made without our knowing or having input. The implants will be the same. Initially good with unintended consequences.
Pure fucking evil animal abuser. He needs a good beating.
I feel like no one in this comment section actually watched the whole video.
In their twisted and digitally brainwashed minds the pros outweigh the cons of this like total recall agenda of theirs. Everyone will become mutants and completely sell out to the digital evolution and the current Reptilian Evolution of their doing also.
The chip will be used for Augmented Reality a mock process of how we was simulated here. Everyone will live in pods like in fallout3 soaked in some kind of age defying liquid like in a scifi movie. That is the future a future of fake holographic surrogates. THAT is the life you will live completely ASLEEP, conscious but at rest. A civilization of Shadows like ghosts and light. The Illuminati are after this and transcendence. They must be stopped. Mankind will evolve into Nothing but an illusionary species. And so the game of life will continue completely enslaved to their morbid scifi videogame. The people has spoken.
why do we keep coming back here then?
This is a dangerous man pushing Transhumanism. We all know they want everyone chipped eg one world government, digital currency, one world army etc It seems it all goes back to yes George Orwells 1984. We've been warned about this for a while now. I'm a telecoms engineer, everything has an IP address eg a back door route in. Which is exactly what's going on with all the smart stuff etc. We are all one consciousness yes, regarding quantum physics but our essence( soul) of who we are as people experiencing this life will be wiped out forever if we go into this madness. Ray Kurzweil senior engineer of google is pushing for everyone to be uploading their consciousness to the cloud by I think 2039?? I for one will not be involved with this and neither will my children. Some very good comments as well I can see.
Illuminaty promoter…..he is not weird but pure evil……once you let the chip in….your soul exits and they control you…..!!!
be like gods, huh? sounds like satan in the garden of eden, U think?