I met this very strong and amazing girl in VRChat who shared her story with me. At 17 she was raped by a person she thought was her good friend and had …
this person besides being strong is very inspiring to others that go through this. It isn't easy creating a life and just throwing it away, Neither is it easy keeping one when you aren't even able to take care of yourself, So I'm very impressed by this girl, She resisted suicide, She moved on from literally losing a kid, And she moved on from medication which If I say do myself is so tough. This vid is great, You got a sub.
I hope the other people were muted because this is a personal story not a thing to say to random people
Aww I wish you the best of luck
I freaking hate dudes like that RAPIST! i hate them, they tear my heart when they rape some girl some kid, i hate it i get so mad and in the same time i get sad. I dont realy know, but it is just so stupid i fell like loseing people in this world breaking them. Doing stuff what they should not do and it just hurts me, that i am not there fore them, i wasnt there fore them, i am not there fore them and if i would try to be there for someone who i dont know, then…. they maybe would see me like trying to use them or do or try any bad staff… they went thru a lot and its hard to trust again, and i fucking hate it i just hate my self bechause of that its hard. and i hope they will learn that they need to protect Girls Womens Family Friend not freaking break them.
sounds like a man
She is using vr that means she has the money to live What does she mean by house to house
Y'know sharing stuff anonymously is actually the best way to let something out… I'm glad to see she is improving and opening up to people. Huge respect for her~
Kinda makes me join in VRChat but due to my "jolly good!" and so great accent/pronunciation it denies me getting close to someone xD, unless its Discord chatting, obviously. Since i am that person that opens their arms for anyone who needs a hug and like a loooong chat to calm down.. Well i hope you all people, and iListen, would continue to listen out to any person in need of rant, either friend or just met. <3
So glad I found this. The thing she said about it being up to you to fight your own demons is so true. I was sexually abused when I was 6 or 7 (I'm not sure of the exact time span, I didn't think it was wrong back then so I pushed it out my mind, causing the memorys to be quite hazy at this point. I know that I was in year two and it was quite sunny, so I was probably 7 or nearly 7.) and I have quite a lot of healing to do, but I've already come so far. It's been almost 10 years at this point but I only really started dealing with my problems about two years ago when I finally realised what happened was wrong and got up the courage to tell my parents. I've been considering counselling, but I'm doing pretty well by myself so I feel like I'd be taking from someone more deserving and in need if I did. All that's left is to break down my walls, as she put it, and finally lay it to rest, I think.
I remember I was playing on a CTF on TF2 and people we're talking about how teens try to get girlfriends below their ages for example: A 18 year old boy with a 15 year old girl. And everyone was theorizing or speculating why this happens, and most of that these guys in the game sayed it was for maybe superiority and feel like "a man".
And like always they moved onto talk about another thing and play TF2.
That’s a serious topic I didn’t expect to hear today
Aww i hope her the best
Dammit, Jimmy! Stop it with the onions!
I cant even, just oft man, oft
Keep at the good fight
Thanks for making me cry. You just got a new sub
Holy shit… I don't know how I ended up here, I was watching some random dude trapping guys in vr and now I'm here… but man this kind of stuff hits me to the feels, hard……
Just saw your channel and stories like this makes my spare time great…. God bless to her, she earn my respect.. such a strong woman
She gave birth to the kids and gave them to people that could give them a good life instead of aborting them. +Respect
Imagine being a rape product, that has to suck.
People like her, make me feel inspired for not giving up. She may not be aware of this, but, she made my heart move. Thank you, random woman for opening up. I hope the people can learn from her stories.
Where have all the good men gone?
I respect her
I’m glad this YouTuber doesn’t have a mil subs. Sure, I personally think you deserve more than a mil for sharing these stories, but I’m glad I’m gonna be here on your journey! Goodluck bro
Who had the audacity to dislike this video. Disrespectful.
Up most respect for her the dude doesn't even deserve a ride to hell
I was raped luckily didn't get pregnant.. I couldn't imagine having to give them up..
I've heard this story before on that deep web answered site. It would have been a bit over 2 years ago
It makes me feel better that I’m not alone in this and there’s other people who went to through the same thing as me. Although I didn’t get pregnant but I was molested, it still hurts us as survivors. I hope she gets stronger and has all the support in the world ?
Aww i'm so related. 11yrs old i got rape by my old neighbour but i can't do about it i'm too afraid that he will kill me if i will speak up and 5years later my neighbour talking to me while he cleaning his car while i'm walking too i hear "don't be shy,go inside my house" then i just ignore it like i hear nothing and that day happend i feel ashamed about my body so i wear clothes that can hide my whole body my neighbors is my friend father so i didn't expect that he will rape me like i was just like a kid why he do this stuff on me.
(sorry my english is bad)
i was watching the video…about to cry… then i noticed the piano version of sweater weather was playing and i laughed then cried.
Lynch the first guy
Mature enough to not hating everyone after that, strong enough to overcoming the pain, kind enough to share her experiencie…
Human enough to not having to suffer that…
I actually started crying i hope she is really well now ),:
Met two people who were victims of pedophiles. One was by her Mom's Boyfriend and the other was by her own Dad.
Real educational and depressing content on YouTube? This is a fucking step for humanity, and about the story, holy fuck, hope she’s doing fine lol
People experience bizarre things, 'm glad for her development from the situation. I assume the guy at the very least recieved a sentence, I have to admit it bothers me not knowing what happens to those type of people.
Well guess I'm a crying thug now
holy shit that was some deep personal stuff how did I end up here
I love how she’s moving forward in life, supporting her kids in any way she can possible and not dwelling on the past. She’s so inspiring after going through something traumatic she’s finally able to have a good outlook on life (from what I had taken away from it, forgive me if I’m wrong haha). I hope to have the same outlook as her one day, though, not through a horrible traumatic experience. No one should ever endure something like that, especially from someone you’d once trusted..
Edit: I just gotta say, I love the content you are creating. So many deep and thoughtful questions with even more deep and thoughtful answers from strangers on vrchat. Keep doing what you’re doing ‘cause it changes lives!
this person besides being strong is very inspiring to others that go through this.
It isn't easy creating a life and just throwing it away,
Neither is it easy keeping one when you aren't even able to take care of yourself,
So I'm very impressed by this girl,
She resisted suicide,
She moved on from literally losing a kid,
And she moved on from medication which If I say do myself is so tough.
This vid is great,
You got a sub.
I hope the other people were muted because this is a personal story not a thing to say to random people
Aww I wish you the best of luck
I freaking hate dudes like that RAPIST! i hate them, they tear my heart when they rape some girl some kid, i hate it i get so mad and in the same time i get sad. I dont realy know, but it is just so stupid i fell like loseing people in this world breaking them. Doing stuff what they should not do and it just hurts me, that i am not there fore them, i wasnt there fore them, i am not there fore them and if i would try to be there for someone who i dont know, then…. they maybe would see me like trying to use them or do or try any bad staff… they went thru a lot and its hard to trust again, and i fucking hate it i just hate my self bechause of that its hard. and i hope they will learn that they need to protect Girls Womens Family Friend not freaking break them.
sounds like a man
She is using vr that means she has the money to live
What does she mean by house to house
Y'know sharing stuff anonymously is actually the best way to let something out… I'm glad to see she is improving and opening up to people. Huge respect for her~
Kinda makes me join in VRChat but due to my "jolly good!" and so great accent/pronunciation it denies me getting close to someone xD, unless its Discord chatting, obviously. Since i am that person that opens their arms for anyone who needs a hug and like a loooong chat to calm down.. Well i hope you all people, and iListen, would continue to listen out to any person in need of rant, either friend or just met. <3
So glad I found this. The thing she said about it being up to you to fight your own demons is so true. I was sexually abused when I was 6 or 7 (I'm not sure of the exact time span, I didn't think it was wrong back then so I pushed it out my mind, causing the memorys to be quite hazy at this point. I know that I was in year two and it was quite sunny, so I was probably 7 or nearly 7.) and I have quite a lot of healing to do, but I've already come so far. It's been almost 10 years at this point but I only really started dealing with my problems about two years ago when I finally realised what happened was wrong and got up the courage to tell my parents. I've been considering counselling, but I'm doing pretty well by myself so I feel like I'd be taking from someone more deserving and in need if I did. All that's left is to break down my walls, as she put it, and finally lay it to rest, I think.
I remember I was playing on a CTF on TF2 and people we're talking about how teens try to get girlfriends below their ages for example: A 18 year old boy with a 15 year old girl. And everyone was theorizing or speculating why this happens, and most of that these guys in the game sayed it was for maybe superiority and feel like "a man".
And like always they moved onto talk about another thing and play TF2.
That’s a serious topic I didn’t expect to hear today
Aww i hope her the best
Dammit, Jimmy! Stop it with the onions!
I cant even, just oft man, oft
Keep at the good fight
Thanks for making me cry. You just got a new sub
Holy shit… I don't know how I ended up here, I was watching some random dude trapping guys in vr and now I'm here… but man this kind of stuff hits me to the feels, hard……
Just saw your channel and stories like this makes my spare time great…. God bless to her, she earn my respect.. such a strong woman
She gave birth to the kids and gave them to people that could give them a good life instead of aborting them. +Respect
Imagine being a rape product, that has to suck.
People like her, make me feel inspired for not giving up. She may not be aware of this, but, she made my heart move. Thank you, random woman for opening up. I hope the people can learn from her stories.
Where have all the good men gone?
I respect her
I’m glad this YouTuber doesn’t have a mil subs. Sure, I personally think you deserve more than a mil for sharing these stories, but I’m glad I’m gonna be here on your journey! Goodluck bro
Who had the audacity to dislike this video. Disrespectful.
Up most respect for her the dude doesn't even deserve a ride to hell
I was raped luckily didn't get pregnant.. I couldn't imagine having to give them up..
I've heard this story before on that deep web answered site. It would have been a bit over 2 years ago
It makes me feel better that I’m not alone in this and there’s other people who went to through the same thing as me. Although I didn’t get pregnant but I was molested, it still hurts us as survivors. I hope she gets stronger and has all the support in the world ?
Aww i'm so related. 11yrs old i got rape by my old neighbour but i can't do about it i'm too afraid that he will kill me if i will speak up and 5years later my neighbour talking to me while he cleaning his car while i'm walking too i hear "don't be shy,go inside my house" then i just ignore it like i hear nothing and that day happend i feel ashamed about my body so i wear clothes that can hide my whole body my neighbors is my friend father so i didn't expect that he will rape me like i was just like a kid why he do this stuff on me.
(sorry my english is bad)
i was watching the video…about to cry… then i noticed the piano version of sweater weather was playing and i laughed then cried.
Lynch the first guy
Mature enough to not hating everyone after that, strong enough to overcoming the pain, kind enough to share her experiencie…
Human enough to not having to suffer that…
I actually started crying i hope she is really well now ),:
Met two people who were victims of pedophiles. One was by her Mom's Boyfriend and the other was by her own Dad.
Real educational and depressing content on YouTube? This is a fucking step for humanity, and about the story, holy fuck, hope she’s doing fine lol
People experience bizarre things, 'm glad for her development from the situation. I assume the guy at the very least recieved a sentence, I have to admit it bothers me not knowing what happens to those type of people.
Well guess I'm a crying thug now
holy shit that was some deep personal stuff how did I end up here
I love how she’s moving forward in life, supporting her kids in any way she can possible and not dwelling on the past. She’s so inspiring after going through something traumatic she’s finally able to have a good outlook on life (from what I had taken away from it, forgive me if I’m wrong haha). I hope to have the same outlook as her one day, though, not through a horrible traumatic experience. No one should ever endure something like that, especially from someone you’d once trusted..
Edit: I just gotta say, I love the content you are creating. So many deep and thoughtful questions with even more deep and thoughtful answers from strangers on vrchat. Keep doing what you’re doing ‘cause it changes lives!