Hands-on first look at the new: Surface Pro X. Surface Laptop 3. Surface Pro 7. Custom silicon. Ryzen Editions. USB-C. There’s a lot to talk about! Hands-on with …
I literally thought he was actually doing a family impression instead of the product family ?
Microsoft is down with Arm, I look forward to the fall of x86
The more Microsoft tries to be Apple, the less I want anything to do with them.
Hello Kim Phd
Lack of Thunderbolt 3 on ALL of these devices make these useless to many. Many Pros have 10G NICs, eGPUs, and AVID Pro Tools or Red Rocket X cards. ALL of which require Thunderbolt 3. I can't believe that you are making a big deal out of type-c, it might as well be USB 3.1 Gen 2 type-A.
Is it just my dumb @$$ or did anyone else think microsoft released a "surface family" device.
So if everything coming out all have fast charging now doesn't that mean its all regular charging???
Bruh I was like "Marques didn't wipe the smudge on the screen at 6:11 ". Haha they turn out to be clouds from the wallpaper
Is that a new surface mouse 6:03 ? Im a sucker for haptic feedback in mouses and been it since the old Logitech MX Air when scrolling stocktickets and depths in realtime-quote-streaming-programs and went for the Microsoft Surface Arc edition touch mouse, simply because it also had an rumble like feedback, when fx scrolling, but just purschased the present Surface Arc mouse ánd it i seems they ditched that haptic feedback and a factor many reviewers complain about and if Microsoft didnt understand that it was one of the bearing features alongside the folding formfactor on the Arc Mouse, so if they are bring a new surface mouse to the market, could be nice if it again had ome kind of feedback. btw be careful with these micrsoft surface edition Arc mouses if you planning to use them with Android, it wont work… Android take them as a input device (red keyboard) and not as a mouse and not way to circumvent it..
what the actual fuck, why giving up the headphone jack on a computer that size?! dumbest decision ever made.
I mean man that dual display make more sense than the galaxy broke.
A iPhone and a dual display product perfect combo. I would rather runs windows instead android
I literally thought he was actually doing a family impression instead of the product family ?
Microsoft is down with Arm, I look forward to the fall of x86
The more Microsoft tries to be Apple, the less I want anything to do with them.
Hello Kim Phd
Lack of Thunderbolt 3 on ALL of these devices make these useless to many. Many Pros have 10G NICs, eGPUs, and AVID Pro Tools or Red Rocket X cards. ALL of which require Thunderbolt 3. I can't believe that you are making a big deal out of type-c, it might as well be USB 3.1 Gen 2 type-A.
Is it just my dumb @$$ or did anyone else think microsoft released a "surface family" device.
So if everything coming out all have fast charging now doesn't that mean its all regular charging???
Bruh I was like "Marques didn't wipe the smudge on the screen at 6:11 ". Haha they turn out to be clouds from the wallpaper
Is that a new surface mouse 6:03 ?
Im a sucker for haptic feedback in mouses and been it since the old Logitech MX Air when scrolling stocktickets and depths in realtime-quote-streaming-programs and went for the Microsoft Surface Arc edition touch mouse, simply because it also had an rumble like feedback, when fx scrolling, but just purschased the present Surface Arc mouse ánd it i seems they ditched that haptic feedback and a factor many reviewers complain about and if Microsoft didnt understand that it was one of the bearing features alongside the folding formfactor on the Arc Mouse, so if they are bring a new surface mouse to the market, could be nice if it again had ome kind of feedback.
btw be careful with these micrsoft surface edition Arc mouses if you planning to use them with Android, it wont work… Android take them as a input device (red keyboard) and not as a mouse and not way to circumvent it..
what the actual fuck, why giving up the headphone jack on a computer that size?! dumbest decision ever made.
I mean man that dual display make more sense than the galaxy broke.
A iPhone and a dual display product perfect combo. I would rather runs windows instead android
Stop trying to make techtober happen. It's cringe
@1:33 that hot pixel had me panicking lol
The first time when i hear Ryzen on this channel, as far as i remember…
What about the expandable storage ???
Ime happy that they now have a removable cover keyboard on the surface laptop 3 to replace the ssd
What approach and focus should we follow for our line-up this year? Let's just copy Apple's ?
Surface Book 3 my boi
This is a really cool laptop
Can you do an in-depth review about each of the main laptops (especially the surface pro x) cause i want something good for university
I feel like something is different did u change ur username from MKBHD to your name
The fully speced 17' black surface laptop 3 could very well be my next laptop.
Surface been killing it
Just cram the SQ1 in a 6 inch phone and slap windows 10 in it with a kind of "phone mode" and a desktop mode when connected to a monitor.
Will regular windows non-arm apps work on that neat X tablet?
those bezels still look thiiic
When are we going to get wireless tablet charging?
Kinda sad because they ditch the headphone jack
2:23 That's the German Three…
I can already observe the screen side of the laptops are wobbling when open. Otherwise, its very good
No surface book 3