Navigate the Overgrown City, a huge new region, and put a stop to The Ghosts, dangerous enemies armed with nanotrite abilities and led by the fearsome Iris.
Navigate the Overgrown City, a huge new region, and put a stop to The Ghosts, dangerous enemies armed with nanotrite abilities and led by the fearsome Iris.
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I remember being so hyped for the first game. Sadly I never played it but that game looks better than this one imo. This game looks like it's trying so hard to be borderlands. They should make a goty edition of this and include a remstered version of the first game
Cool a way shitier borderlands. Sign me up
Why play Rage when you can play Borderlands 3?
trash game
I’m sure both of the people that enjoyed this game are excited
? weak storyline execution
Can already tell
Jesus I haven't even completed the campaign yet :((
why is the bfg red
unfortunate to say but rage 2 is a dead game already
This is way better than getting Quake, Quake 2 or Quake 4 remaster…we’d so rather have this than Doom 64 remaster for XB1…thanks for nothing, I guess
Great shooting. Weak enemy/boss/encounter design.
The false advertising used for this game was enough for me to trade it in. "Everything is drivable" yet hover boats and king squasha are not ??
I hope the island is small yet cool to explore or have more stuff in it like friendly npcs or some cool sites because the original's problem was that it's open world was so goshdarn boring and it's driving so goshdarn clunky it's a chore to maneuver but oh my gosh the weapons feel great!
Looks more and more like a heavily featured women's borderlands that wants to be woke. I'll still wait till it goes dirt cheap.
I hope it has a decent story
This will probably be longer than the campaign in the main game
song name please
0:44 one if the best shooters ever? Yeah right!!! ID Software it’s ok to let go of this failure of a game. I only give a slap to the wrist for making DOOM FUN AS HELL but RAGE 2 is dead! Rage 1 was ok, the post apocalyptic setting was ok with a horror vibe sprinkles on it. There’s no need to drag it more further than 6 feet below the ground anymore. May you Rest in Pieces Rage2
Wow great trailer.
Maybe fix your base game? So I can ya know. Beat it
No thanks, already did 100% no moar
Okay, commandant steele
I bought this game and immediately regretted it. Definitely a let down
Without the Open World and more Horror Atmosphere like in Rage 1 would be much better . I hope they do so in Rage 3 if they ever bringt it