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Plan B
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Ruchir Agarwal and Miles Kimball—Enabling Deep Negative Rates to Fight Recessions: A Guidehttps://t.co/VcBP7lHIYQ
— Miles Kimball (@mileskimball) May 18, 2019
BitPay Now Lets Merchants Accept Ethereum’s Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency Dash to Begin Trading on Coinbase Pro
OKEX Korea Drops 5 Privacy Cryptocurrencies Citing FATF Rules
HTC’s Blockchain Phone Now Supports Bitcoin Cash
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This information is what was found publicly on the internet. This information could’ve been doctored or misrepresented by the internet. All information is meant for public awareness and is public domain. This information is not intended to slander harm or defame any of the actors involved but to show what was said through their social media accounts. Please take this information and do your own research.
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shill /SHil/
an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.
Questions such as are we bullish or bearish, Is the bear market over or are we about to go bullish etc is seen everywhere especially on analysis videos on YT but the truth is there are so many informers in the space today who would assume knowledge and mislead so many into bad trades and investment. Bitcoin is clearly still in bearish territories with no concrete sign for riding with the bulls nevertheless, you can still make a load of money by following the right steps. One way to go about it is to use the signals and copy strategies of a very experienced trader. You have to make sure he has a proven track record of at least 95% success in his trades. I use a similar strategy by trading with Mr Larry Abdelnour’s signals and i have made a lot of money in doing so. I made over 3.5 BTC last month and now with Larry Abdelnour's signals and strategy, i have grown that to 11 BTC already and i intend adding another 3 BTC every other month and growing them so with this strategy, when bitcoin value eventually start skyrocketing, i would have had a very good stock in my portfolio. It is common knowledge that Larry Abdelnour's signals and trade strategy are some of the best and speaking with him for the first time 2 months ago gave me a clearer understanding of how to make money and propelled me into this system of his that has really helped me in growing my portfolio. Feel free to contact Mr Larry for assistance, reach on *Emal Larrytrading88@gmailcom
I just stocking up when I can afford. Personally going after btc, xrp, eth, dgb, bat and enj. With more focus on the top 3.
In addition to the top coins, I'm only interested in #Tokoin, because #Tokoin is not just a financial tool, #Tokoin is also a platform to help #Msmes projects develop. I think #Tokoin will be successful in 2020, and the more I develop, I want to hear your feelings.
Give the modern investor some credit dude
It’s already manipulated
A massive breakout is set to occur soon. If you are in the crypto space and you currently don't know that once we are approaching bitcoin halving, massive bull run occurs then you must surely be left behind.
In as much as I have introduced everyone that I know into the crypto space, yet some are just viewing several videos on youtube without actually having the concept or knowing the potential of what bitcoin and the blockchain industry is. We are approaching a major breakout in the crypto space and with bitcoin price still pegged with $10k+, the time to join the moving train is now that is if you are yet to be part of it. Considering the major recession that will occur next year, I will urge everyone to have a rethink and look into the potentials that bitcoin posses to help them break free from the financial burden of next year.
It doesn't matter if you can buy up to 10BTC or not, but what matters is you can accumulate at least 10BTC before the year comes to an end. I know many people will be wondering how to do that, don't worry as a pro trader and signal provider by name Nyberg Hansson, who has been helping me to achieve my target daily will also help you achieve that as well. All you have to do is to contact him today via nyberghansson@gmailcom and WhatsApp +447723292381, and he will guide you on how to get started.
If bitcoin start moving up so i think it will not go to moon but make another new all time highs, maybe it will go to mars for now
pundi x ???
Coinbase Pro adds dash but exculeds UK and New York traders and Coinbase restricts Dash's Anonymity features.
The creature from Jekyll Island rears it's ponzi head above water again for us to see. Thanks guys.!
Everyone loves low risk and high reward projects to invest, but these projects Credit, Wavesbet, BABB and Evimeria are extremly low risk alomost zero risk and high reward projects to invest don`t miss it out, my top2 projects are Cardano and Ripple
Hi Austin! Thank you for your informing video.
So you say there is contention with HTC & Privacy coins, does that include Bitcoin & Etherium?
Btc is going to go high next year. So is Tokoin as well as all top 10 coins.
Nobody cares about bitcoin the average investor isn’t making good profit from trading BTC
Well you have forgot big things coming for xrp
Also bitcoin cash have been named the coin in Australia to accept bitcoin cash at 1000s of food outlets
Halvening will always cause price increase.
I was having lots of difficulties trading and accumulated loses until Dr. Darret Upson was recommended to me by my colleagues and ads on Quora, at first I was doubtful because i have already lost thousands of dollars but I decided to a try him out and am glad I did because it has been the trading success I’ve always hoped for.
upon hearing the phrase "central banks want to create their own ponzi scheme", S.S.A. enters the chat, and bring their govt paid thugs (police, military) with them.
Stellar to the moon
Dash & ethereum: "see you fuqrs down the road" ???
Cardano will be a good investment
What do you think about egretia? Do you know it and if so I would really like to hear your opinion on it. Thx
I think the plan b guys voice is a recording, and it sounds like a robot.
Once again we are going to be wacked seriously!! Thanks once again to the Dirty Banksters .The $1 will have absolutely no buying power
Great job on your research on this podcast.
What’s the update on Amazon’s QLD?
love the video
How to make people to invest to bitcoin…
For Bankers, Ethereum may actually seem more scary than Bitcoin. Ethereum has the ability to wreck the banking industry by stealing the best bankers in it. Currently, with smart contracts you could build a bank on the Ethereum network. You could build a business on it also. ICO like Teal has proven https://blog.taelpay.com/our-ecosystem-detailed-business-model/ that Ethereum has so many possibilities
Thanks for turning me onto that PlanB interview – great stuff.
intending to do good for the little guy! thats laughably false. they are transfering wealth from savers to investors. it tranfers money from assetless individuals to those who have assets.