A first look at the new 4v4 Battle Arena mode coming Plants vs. Zombies Battle for Neighborville’s Founders Edition on October 1st. Subscribe to IGN for more!
A first look at the new 4v4 Battle Arena mode coming Plants vs. Zombies Battle for Neighborville’s Founders Edition on October 1st. Subscribe to IGN for more!
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Is this a ranked game mode?
Gameplay looks interesting ?
I hope this is better than part 2 cause I hated part 2.
Man love this game can't wait for more of it
They took out the one thing I liked about this game… The variantes
Why are there no variants one of my favorite aspects was playing multiplayer getting coins and using them to unlock the variants for each class so now you have the most amount of characters but each of them come in one form so really you have less
Get this……it's like Overwatch……… BUT WITH PLANTS AND ZOMBIES
Dafuqq is this??
The super long TTK looks like a fun change of pace
Great video, keep it up!
pvz batte royale?
I expect more from full game
like this if you