In this video, I give an update on BTC/USD as well as, talk about what technical analysis is meant for. Cryptocurrency technical analysis and trading.
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Do NOT trade based on what you see in this analysis.TA with Mitch Ray that produced this analysis are not to be held responsible for any losses that may occur. You and you alone are responsible for deciding if you are comfortable accepting the risk involved in trading. You should only trade based on your knowledge, experience, and risk as a trader. This information is for educational purpose only. Trading in any market contains a high degree of risk. It is possible and EXTREMELY likely that you will lose some if not all of your initial investment. Mitch Ray, that produced this analysis is not a licensed financial planner or adviser. If you are unsure of anything in the financial market, always seek advice from a licensed financial planner or adviser. Any and ALL content published by TA with Mitch Ray and/or affiliates should be NOT be considered financial advice. Invest at your own risk and as always, do your own research!
hahah, what do you think man, btc is pre pumped as FFFFFFFFFF for bakkt and nothing will happen monday, it's going straight to 8k and lower
Late stream littttt. Kannng. Well see
solid TA lessons in there, thanks mitch.
Thank you Mitch for taking the time on a difficult day to help us along. Sorry for your friends loss. Never easy but he's lucky to have you there. Take care til tonight or tomorrow. Have a safe trip… don't rush on our account. We're always there for you, as you are for us. Hugs from the FAM.
hey mitch, love the channel. thanks for all your help and guidance every day
Thanks for the update. Sorry for your friend's loss.
Hey mitch my condolences man take care, hope your friend is alright.
Dude stay the night with your FRIEND BBBBBRRRRRAAAAAHHHHHH
Condolences from CANADA ?? Sorry for your friends loss safe drive there and back
Sorry to hear about the funeral Mitch! But thank you for the amazing video as usual! Khangs <3
Thanks for the static video Mitch, have a safe trip
Funerals –
Ecclesiastes 7:2 It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart.
Thank you for your time and analysis. My condolences to the family of the departed.
Thank you sir for taking the time my best wishes
Thank you, Sir!
Sorry for your bro.
Absolutely stupendous content
Sorry for your buddy's loss man. God bless you both
Sorry to about friends loss . Thanks for making a video ! ??
Thank you Mitch..very informative..Sorry to hear about the loss
Thanks again Mitch. Sorry for your friends loss. Hope to see you on tonight but if not no worries.
Thanks for the update L Ray hope you have safe travels out there
Awsome ta
Sorry to hear that!
Thanks for leaving us with a solid static good sir. See ya on the tomorrow stream if no sooner!