There’s a ton of content to burn through in Gearbox’s incoming looter-shooter. Subscribe to IGN for more!
There’s a ton of content to burn through in Gearbox’s incoming looter-shooter. Subscribe to IGN for more!
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40 hours for a games journalist to beat
Ok so like 15-20 for a normal human with a functional brain
So like SupMatto, where’d he go
You can literally make this video only 5 seconds long but you had to go and waste 2 minutes of my day
Please just be better than the presequel i couldnt for the life of me finish that one it was just bad
Borderlands 3 better than 2??? Getting stoked baby!!!
ign i been watching you forever and all those years you inspired me to start my own channel , because of you am getting some fans and i wanna thank you , i wish one day i will get that many views like you , thank you
Fella on the right looks like lip from shameless
80 hours for me because i'm gonna do the side missions
Massive sick-day request calls from employees next week.
This is utterly pointless.
Shoutout to Aphex Twin
I’m glad I got the collectors edition. I had to get to GameStop the minute they opened to even have a chance to snag it.
I like the Aphex Twin shirt.
I like to take my time, look everywhere and do all side quests etc. So I'll probably get 300 plus hours out of Borderlands 3?
I have coming from the future I have buy it with all expansions in ps5 with 19.99 us dollars.
Filler video
50 hours is like 2-3months for me…and if I play a game for 50 hours… I'll be completely burnt out but the time DLC rolls around.
And here I was thinking I’d have level cap by Monday ??????
they don't know how to play, or they are lying. one of reviewer finished the game + ton of side quest(almost all) and he said that it took for him 27h.
Beat as in level 50?
Bryan is Alec Baldwin and chuck Norris’ love child.
Picking up my collectors edition day 1 and I took some vacation time to take all of next week off. Cant wait
Borderlands 3>cyberpunk2077
So excited for this game on plain nothing but this and shadow keep until cyberpunk. Well maybe death stranding
Do I need to play the other games to play this one?
This game looks awesome
If it takes an ign guy 40+ hours, it'll take me, the casual gamer, at least 50
Already got the ultimate edition pre downloaded so just gotta wait till Friday!!!
Really wish they would quit giving out early content and let people enjoy the game day one with out all the opinions and videos before hand
It's time to me to take sick leave
pre installing right now
Already preloaded and ready to go.. Going to be fun..
so easily 50-60 hours for me since I check out all nooks and crannies and do most side quest in first play through before ending.
He looks like he's played for 50 hours and has been awake for 50 hours.. GJ.
Aphex Twin rocks
Hang on, so Jim Duggan is working for IGN. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, tough guy??
Now that does put a smile on my face.
2 more days my friends
Mine as well buy it on epic cause its gonna have cross play between ps4 and steam. problem is wait til steam and everyone is gonna be in UVM
The Witcher 3 approves.
when can i download this since i pre ordered it
Borderlands 3 > Gears 5
Waiting for the epic 6-month beta test phase to end before buying on steam
Who wants to play a campaign for 40 hours? Not hating or anything i respect the developers for putting in the time and work but damn
The game is still trash compared to cyberpunk 2077
way better than 2! Big statement. ?
Brian looks like a young Dave Mustaine ?
So it's going to get 7.8 out of 10
Sup Brian ?
Borderlands 3’s campaign lasts 30-40 hours