We visit the Chernobyl power plant and exclusion zone in this upcoming survival horror shooter. Chernobylite Official Gameplay Demo – Gamescom 2019: …
We visit the Chernobyl power plant and exclusion zone in this upcoming survival horror shooter. Chernobylite Official Gameplay Demo – Gamescom 2019: …
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nice story and actually
Nice video ign
Seems like 76 but russian and not an immense heap of trash.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Rick' s Origin.
They pulled a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. before the actual developers did.
After WW1 horror, WW2 horror and Asylum horror comes Nuclear horror.
Looks a lot like the Get Even
But does it make you feel like an ex physicist named Igor?
It looks quite a lot like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game.
This looks awful ?
When the Metro and Half life franchises have a baby.
Looks interesting
Looks really cool, can't wait!
A surprise underdog
Who's getting S.T.A.L.K.E.R Vibes.
Fallout+metro+stalker= chernobilyte
Rick is that you? what are you doing in chernobylite??
This would be a cool coop
Honestly cant wait
/ˈɡiːɡər/ GHEE-gər
Rick and Morty simulator
like a true Gopnik
This or blair witch?
Pretty cool
Portal meets Metro exodus
"Out of all the people in the world you were the one who mattered most Boris"
Imagine not naming this Chernoblyat
Why did they only choose green for the nuclear radiation? It can be anything
A gun that makes green portals and lets you teleport…..Aw Jeez Rick
Why are people comparing this to an HBO show instead of the actual S.T.A.L.K.E.R series itself? Some past devs are in this project now
Quite interesting game tbh
Not great, not terrible
Is this game only gonna be available for PC and not for console….??
Chernobylite! I love it!!!
Yeetis Skeetis Where is my leprikon of magikal cereals?
this game is gonna be a flop..
Боевка отвратительная, и похоже исправлять не собираются
This looks incredible
Comrade Dyatlov rates this game 3.6/5
Not great but not terrible.
It should have ray tracing
What do you think let me know in the comments
Im 1k viewers
This game seems doesn't finish yet.. Not a great quality.. Aliens look like a joke.. Lot of lags and glitches.. We expecting more from this development