WHEN YOU KNOW SOMEONE IS LYING IN TTT VIRTUAL REALITY – Pavlov VR TTT Elitelupus — August 31, 2019 38 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest WHEN YOU KNOW SOMEONE IS LYING IN TTT VIRTUAL REALITY – Pavlov VR TTT on my Oculus Rift s There’s a way to check if people are lying. In TTT VR … source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
I love you so much your the best YouTuber and I love your content every time you make a video my day is made ?
You know someone is a traitor when he doesn't like, subscribe, hit the bell button and share this video!
Nice video keep it up your the best

How long 2ill it take for me to get unbanned for a false ban?
Nice job elitelupus in minecraft
I love your gmod darkrp videos and every single video
love ur vidz and btw finally i got the perm wand
Your the best good youtuber!
6min late
Noo I was
1 but I put more gmod first
I love you so much your the best YouTuber and I love your content every time you make a video my day is made ?
Hi elite
Hi elite, it’s been awhile, love your vids, keep it up.
I WANT TO PLAY MINECRAFT. Yeah pls minecraft vr
love the vids
yay new vid
You know someone is a traitor when he doesn't like, subscribe, hit the bell button and share this video!
1st OMG nvm…
Nice vid, we should play some TTT sometime
First yes I love yo Elite
There all amazing
First best vid
when are you going to do some more rust vids?
I love your vids elite
I love your videos elite keep up the great work and content
Good one man
I love ur vids I come so early to watch ur vids
I love you elite keep being amazing
U the best
More gmod
First NVM Second