Starring a captivating Joaquin Phoenix, The Clown Prince of Crime gets a standalone origin film for the ages with Joker. Subscribe to IGN for more!
Starring a captivating Joaquin Phoenix, The Clown Prince of Crime gets a standalone origin film for the ages with Joker. Subscribe to IGN for more!
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If this is blue you love THIS JOKER sowwy Jared (I'm gifting cards to active subs when I hit 500 btw )
İGN always overratting it
Wow just wow this is the first time I've ever seen a 10 from IGN and it's a well deserved 10.
I mean just wow.
Wow. I was not expecting this
Wow never seen ign give any movie a ten before!
First time I've seen IGN rating a movie 10/10 Holy Moses?
I feel like this is just a flex from IGN on the fact that they’ve already seen the film on us regular folk.
Gamers, we did it
Also how have you watched it like 2 months before lel
When u review a movie that’s not out yet ??
A Review already damn that's fast
This is how they should have done the new Terminator, recreate the early 90's.
Did Joaquin ever let you down? I think not. DC made the greatest decision–casting a new Joker!
I am so excited for this movie!
How come certain people get to see it months before it releases?
Guys, just a friendly reminder that these are the same people that gave The Last Jedi a 9.7. I want this movie to be a masterpiece, but let’s see the movie before we go praising it. If it does what the trailers promise then yes, this could absolutely be a masterpiece. But… this is ign.
It’s almost here for us to watch
release date is 4 october how did u get to see this 1 month earlier
Mastershit jajaja
another reason dc movies are better than marvel. dark knight better than avengers
All I need to know.
You ain’t seen it
You have not seen it
I feel like Christopher Nolan’s batman could fit into this universe. (But that means we wouldn’t have Ledger’s Joker). I hope DC’s films goes this way, real characters that actually have real struggles.
10/10 huh IGN?
Took one look at the trailer and knew this movie was going to be great. Although you can trust an IGN review.
This is going to be the only one and only best joker stand alone movie
One movie, pure perfection
We all knew this was gonna be great
Wow after all these yers IGN is finally right about something
IGN never give movies a 10
So you'll know this movie is special
Wait, isn't this movie out in October?
Let’s go DC ??
Too soon for reviews, can we get to mid September first? Geeze
It doesn't release for a month?
And the Oscar goes to…
Sony has Spider-verse. DC pretty much has their own Joker-verse.
i know it … marvel is for kiddos
A film for people to pretend they love never knowing where it or him comes from
We finally found the successor to Hedge Ledger"s Joker.