Hal Finney Predicted $10 Million Per BTC
Late Hal Finney Predicted $10 Million Per BTC After Satoshi Release
One of the last posts made by Hal Finney on bitcointalk.org
One of the last posts made by Hal Finney on bitcointalk.org. For the uninitiated, Hal received the first ever transaction of bitcoin. 10 coins from Satoshi. from Bitcoin
Mark wants a crypto to replace the dollar links
UK Central Bank Chief Sees Digital Currency Displacing US Dollar as Global Reserve
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1. Hal Finney 10 million 0:47
2. Shocker homes are worth 10k 4:31
3. Mark Carney wants a crypto to replace the dollar 6:42
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DJ15; hello, What's the possibilities of AI or genius persons changing the bitcoin mathematics or protocol in any way? Like increasing the amount or destroying bitcoin? I have never heard it talked about in absolute terms. Is it 100% safe?
Great video
There is a video by Token Vision that breaks down the concept of a $10 million dollar Bitcoin. I personally believe that probably by 2028 ( 3 halvings from now) we can see that number. Remember that the big money drives the market. The average person doesn't own gold or silver, people with money and assets they want to protect do. Once Bitcoin makes the parabolic run you will see people sell their gold and buy more Bitcoin. Its going to happen very fast
what kind of tard is a hal finney. never heard of him . dont listen to lowlife crazy people
Despite being quite new to trading, I got in during the late hype of 2017 and it was an ugly business for me but somehow I had to be pleased with myself as I loved the tech and the possibilities featured by blockchain and this made me to hold on. Trading even though it's deemed too dangerous to trade (wrong), is great, easy and profiting with a perfect strategy. My target which is to hold at least 15 btc before the $15,000 mark is quickly being fulfilled thanks to a system of trade patterns and signals I use that was introduced to me by a friend from work. James Samuel signals are easy to use and very accurate and within 2 weeks, I grew 2 btc in 5 trading using them which I believe is the easiest and cheapest way to increase holding without having to buy more and more coins and I wish more content providers would talk about trading and not just hodling. Gérard can be reached by mail ( jamessamuel271@gmail.com )
for information on how to trade profitably.
A cheap perfume has as much labour to manufacture as an expensive perfume, so what determines the price or the value the market projects on the expensive one, it is merely subjective, so Bitcoin will express the price the market think it must have in a determined time.
Dear Davinci, labour value sounds too marxist. Value is subjective, there's not value based on labour, that was brilliantly expained by Karl Menger a long time ago. A house value is determined by the market, what some one is willing to pay for it. ?
GRIN is dumping right now because whales are artificially pushing the price down to accumulate cheap coins.
Don‘t sleep on GRIN my friends, really, the rally will be insane
Oh look bitcoin is just going down…… Please tell me why do you believe bitcoin will ever hit ath again? Is bakkt the key for bitcoin?
Really going to have to disagree on this one concerning cheap labor. Labor is getting more expensive. I’m not sure where you live but here in Seattle Washington the commercial and residential sector has been booming. There are not enough skilled tradesman to man all the work. So just like BTC scarcity the same is true with labor. Thus lots of overtime, higher wages and incentives to either keep employees or contractors poaching guys to come work for them. Journeyman electrician, plumbers, and HVAC currently making 110k-160k easy with some OT. SO maybe in some parts of the country that are not the Tech capital of the world this is true.
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Gold bars stamped with fake logos of major refineries have been circulated into the global market and landed in the vaults of JPMorgan Chase & Co. — part of a plot to launder smuggled or illegal specimens of the precious metal, according to a report.
Bars worth at least $50 million stamped with the logos of Swiss refineries that did not produce them have been identified by all four of the country’s top gold refiners in the last three years.
They have been found in the vaults of JPMorgan, one of the major banks at the center of the market in bullion, senior executives at gold refineries, banks and other industry sources told the news outlet.
But the forgeries are sophisticated, so thousands of additional ones may have gone undetected, according to the head of Switzerland’s largest refinery.
“The latest fake bars … are highly professionally done,” Michael Mesaric, chief executive of refinery Valcambi, told Reuters, adding that there are “way, way, way more still in circulation.”
JP Morgan declined to directly address questions about the fake bullion.
Bitcoin is just overly hyped, want a real crypto project to invest in backed by a real use, check out the Yanu Token yanu.ai
New subscriber! Thanks for your input. I like it when ones tell us the unvarnished truth. Bear / Bull I'd like to know, vs tickling our ears. If BTC goes down, hey, it's on sale! If it goes up, well great!
I haven't looked to see if anybody else commented on this but you might want to consider closing the blinds or not facing the camera toward a strong light source behind you when you do videos like this. I am not being critical but just thought that you would like some feedback about how the back light washes the foreground out. Your information is very helpful and I greatly appreciate your efforts at keeping us all informed. Thanks.
A home is not an asset, it's a liability.
Thanks for always keeping us updated
If fiat tanks its absolutely possible. I’m all about a high bitcoin as I own some but I wouldn’t want it to be at an expense to hurt others financially
It depends on what the dollar does in relation to bitcoin. If the dollar crashes. Then yea, it could. I am not making that prediction BTW.
10 million BTC totally possible. But probably not for at least another 10 years
My Friend i would love your comments on this matter : What do you think of Crypto Love Randle comments about the Moon Sunny Decree and Crypto Zombie That them Guys are predators for byebit and Bitmex we all need to watch crypto love last vid
where he compares it to BItConnect Ps thanks for a great Insight
Global GDP (the real economy) is around $100 trillion. So Bitcoin (which is at a $100 billion market cap) would have to multiply by 1000 in value to take on that entire Global GDP value as the global central currency (unlikely) and thereby to get to $10 million. Maybe a tenth of that is conceivable. Max Keiser says $100k. So split the difference and then be conservative, and that number constantly thrown about of $400k per Bitcoin seems possible as the top of the final Bitcoin bubble bull market. By then a whole new internet of money will be emerging, likely with Bitcoin as a stable base layer, quite possibly priced right around Keiser's $100k prediction. The big money will be in correctly betting on the winning altcoin platforms that form the wholesale and consumer user layers of that internet of money. Ethereum, EOS, Enjin, etc. I'm diversified, in really small amounts, in around 40 of those alts (over 90% in BTC and less than 10% in alts).
10mil btc thats rediculous!! Now maybe a $100 Satoshis is more reasonable. Wont be thinking in terms of coins.
Homes will cost 40k in future but to program it 200k
We can help child. « Hope»
ВТС 13qoR38t9HAXhWGnS4thMHVN3umcPJret4
ЕТН 0x905aCDBD0092B8b0De3c74A576D4dc549563743a
They will only want to bring back the business confidence with another centralized coin a.k.a Libracoin
This guy is FUD. Nothing he says has any relation to why BTC would not be worth 10 million$. He mentions the ‘real value’ of BTC – what is that? the real value is simply what is becomes worth. He makes no convincing argument at all.
houses wealth is more based on the land though not the production of a house on that land. Land is a scarce asset.
lets not talk about 10 million… when are we going to hit 300K-500K?
Wow! I can see Facebook doing that. Mark of the beast.
Lol. No you won’t. You are forgetting about fixed costs and elastic costs. Food, taxes, utilities, and healthcare ALL EFFECT THE COST OF LABOR. You will NEVER see labor cost come down enough to noticeably reduce the prices a home. Never, ever.
Bruh, the material are more than $10k.
What adds value and and determines a portion of the price of a home is “location”.
XRP is what they talk about,boe is a ripple client,imf is in love with ripple,xrp ledger is totally ready for it,every week 2 or 3 banks join the network,every bank that s part of the network will use xrp once worlwide regulation s in place so they won t need those nostro accounts anymore.
How do you explain bitcoin going from .1cent to 10k ? You cant ! And now your trying to explain why it couldn't go from 10k to 10 million . Not going work. Your theory is horrible.
Do an update on xrp,????
You suck I dont know why anyone would watch you
i believe that it will reach 10 miilion, im happy even it reaches 30K $ i am just waiting for that day to come, when i can cash in my bitcoin,telex to buy a Lamborghini
Libra coin? 4 real?
Even bitcoin maxis should be hedging with at least half there holdings in XRP… if your not doing that then you are not paying attention to what is going on
Xrp is the standard