Spoilers ahead! Man of Medan is chock full of death scenes, here’s 13 of our favourites. Little Hope (Man of Medan Sequel) – Teaser Trailer: …
Spoilers ahead! Man of Medan is chock full of death scenes, here’s 13 of our favourites. Little Hope (Man of Medan Sequel) – Teaser Trailer: …
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"It's not scary."
"Until Dawn is better, this is trash."
First of all, this game is full of jumpscares, so saying that it isn't scary doesn't make sense due to the fact that there are enough surprises to at least make someone paranoid about when the next one will happen.
Second, Until Dawn was an entire game. Man of Medan is literally the first episode in a series of SHORT STORIES. It's not meant to have enough substance to keep up with its predecessor.
Kinda expected until dawn levels of gore, disappointed…
Why this Spoiler ?
Some kind of comedy game?? ??
I need subs
Yeah this is pretty lame. Until dawn was a lot better
Man, this game really hates Iceman.
Either I've become too desensitised to violence and gore in games or this game has been toned down a lot when compared to Until Dawn.
(I thought this was gonna be amusing or scary when I came)
This games is design for people to experiance it by playing not to watch it on youtube then bitchin about how less scary it compare to other games.
Hope one of the anthology is a slasher type movie I like those
Julia is cancelled Man of medan #3
Looks like a tone down Until Dawn.
why are western horror games scarier that western horror movies
What’s with the ending?
After playing their first one where you basically just press right and left to decide what happens I can't say I'm that excited about this new one so I'm quite glad to just have it all spoilt now so I don't have to bother. It is basically telltale games but with a better look
The framerates tho
Will Wait for the Next Sequel "Little Hope" in 2020 ???
What is the monster?
7:45 "You will fall by my hand HEMAN! EGegegegege!"
How does until dawn look better than this
Wow. This is so not scary.
The replayability of this game legit is zero
I've had scarier bowel movements