Check out the trailer for FortniteXMayhem. The new Borderlands content for Fortnite where you can rock a full set of Psycho cosmetic gear, drop into the Pandora …
Check out the trailer for FortniteXMayhem. The new Borderlands content for Fortnite where you can rock a full set of Psycho cosmetic gear, drop into the Pandora …
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Look at how they massacred my boy
Ho no !
The moment BL3 got on epic games I knew that this gon happen ?
Yeah but there is a nice thing… i don't care
No thanks.
Fortnite isin't a game anymore. Its a virtual billboard
No 6 year old plays borderlands btw smh.
Everyone complaining about this isn’t realizing Gearbox probably came to Epic for this, for promotional purposes. This shows how big Fortnite STILL is, and looks to not be slowing down despite all the B.R.U.T.E. and build-nerfed complainers.
When fortnite emulates the borderlands 3 art style and the graphics look better lol
Thanos shouldve won
DAE hate fortnite
ㄹㅇ 이시국 게임.
Guess I'll cancel my Borderlands 3 pre-order now
That’s a Y I K E S
People still play fortnite?
I love how many "borderlands your better then this!!!" and "look what they did to my boy" in the comments I have never seen this much people be mad at a game for trying to expand in popularity and trying to get a bigger fanbase
And just like that I'm not buying Borderlands 3
Really hope there is no Fortnite content in Borderlands 3
My love for Borderlands = My hate for Fortnite
imagine wanting to kill yourself so bad you enjoy this
Well, now epic made me hate fortnite even more, thanks epic
is it me or is Fortnite trying to do anything to beat minecraft .
Squad: fortnite
Psycho: borderlands
Epic: (makes trailer about fortnite vs borderlands)
Epic: (chooses borderlands)
Epic: (doesn’t bring back moisty)
Squad: you betrayed us
Also squad: you choose someone else instead of your own game
Next gears of war 5
Randy Pitchford is in bed with Epic Games again I see.
Here we go again
I bet 10 years old kid will said this whenever they see Claptrap
"IS tHat the Fortnite Character?"
All these triggered people in the comments really have no idea what cross promotion is.
The claptrap's voice is still bugging me.
No. No.noo. nooo NOOOOO NOOOOOOOO??
Hoes mad
That's why they partnered with Epic Store. Makes a Lot of Sense now.
I’ve never cringed so hard in my life why is this game still relevant