The MEW4-1 is a GPS, brushless camera drone by MJX RC. In this video we look at the good and the bad things about the drone and take it for a couple of test flights.
The MEW4-1 is not for sale in the US at this time, so I would suggest a better choice in the MJXRC Bugs 2 https://amzn.to/2U2664y
#dronereview #MJXRC #cameradrone
I’ve been patiently waiting to buy a new Drone. (DJI mavic pro). ?????
As you can see my Channel name. I think USA may have the edge over China.
The Skydio 2 may be the best drone on the market this fall.
A Chinese manufacture try a fusion of a Mavic and a Anafi drone… Result!
It doesn't get close to a bebop drone.
Nice review… But it seems disappointed.
Cheers mate
Great Review & Cool Drone!!!
They steal ideas from others cause it’s the Chinese way! LOL ?
s h it copy cat b s da
Not sure don't want on that wrong but maybe in your settings and oh my I have the parrot Bebop 2 and it has an option to buy you want to record for and it look a bit resolution
Great review sir. Thanks for sharing.
I thought this was the new Mavic Pro 3 for a sec
Not for me, done with these type of products. After two years in the hobby its MJX RC, DJI and Autel for me.
Reminds me of my Parrot AR Drone 2. The picture quality is better, but still looks like a camera was attached to the back of a bee. Still like my Inspire and Mavic Pro?
Excellent review Kelly!!
The drone without gimbal is not good.
Would be nice if the battery charged like so many other things.. your concerns about the remote, hmm… Yes it's very similar, but like getting into different brands of cars, trucks or equipment.. most are very similar.. some even identical.. why?? Because that's what people have learned to use …
Cool video, thank you!!!
I know I'm being kind of a jerk about criticizing a free video, but it's not great watching a review of a product straight out of the box. I'd much rather see a review after you'd spent some time with it, figuring out the problems and what you had to do to surmount them(like how one type of memory card works an another doesn't) (or maybe, they couldn't be fixed, which is OK too). I know you have a limited time for a given product, but I don't think you'd do this on a more expensive drone. And it's not just this video, RC saylors do this this too. RC Escape is probably the one guy that spends a fair amount of time on a given low cost quad/drone to get a fair view on it (maybe overkill at 30 minutes)
(going back to lurk mode, waiting for the thumbs down to rain on me)
Haha! seems like a clone of the Mavic 2 pro.
Great review!
sorry Kelly looks like poor quality drone
Good review of another piece of toy junk. Once I saw the package you took it out of, I knew it wouldn’t be good.
Thanks Kelly great review I looks nice but just looks like the two know drones thanks for be honest review with this one. Have a great week
Great to see ya back at the toy reviews again. These reviews of yours is what influence me to start my channel. Great review Kelly
Pretty great video and thanks for the review on it and if you don't want that drone you can always give it to me kidding lol anyways keep up the great work see you next video Kelly
I'm happy with my DJI Mavic Pro 2 drone. I still watch other reviews and this was an honest one. To see the video quality on mine check out my vids or recommend how to improve my quality? Thanks!!
What’s the camera you are using on the tripod?
Thanks for the Review. Like the look but after the review I’ll agree with I’ll keep my M2Line. Thank You see you at Spinup ????
Pass on this one buddy…. to heck with glasses, you need to do some eye pushups… they've done wonders for your triceps! ??? Good show bud!
A great, honest review of a disappointing drone
I am a fan of any drone with 3 axis gimbal, any others apart from that, I don't buy it, Great Review though
Thanks again for another outstanding review!!
Very Mavic ish looking. …Nice honest review Kelly…as always. ?..I'll keep my Mavic LOL
You have another conclusion than some other youtubers, interesting. But for the price and not gimbal, etc. not worthy it currently.
Chinese manufacturers ripping off other Chinese manufacturers’ designs- hard to believe.
Nicely done, Kelly! Once again, another fair and balanced review and testing of the MEW4-1. You were Spot On about it looking very similar to the Parrot Anafi and DJI Drones, too… close of a look for me. Thank you, and wishing you and your family an excellent week, take care.
Interesting but not for me. I am currently a typhoon H 480 owner. As of now I'm content with it.so for me no matter what drone you purchase what manufacturer they all have problems or will have problems. I know I have had my share of problems.
Great review keep up the good work my friend.
Keith Kuhn
Don't ya wish the toy drones were as easy to fly and figure out like the big boy toy's? LOL Looks like a good honest review here Kelly,
I am 3
were can i buy this
Honest review …hopefully it will improve …like the Zino 😉
Great video!!!