The Super Nintendo Entertainment System, or SNES for all you cool kids out there, arrived in North America 28 years ago. Let’s take a quick look back.
The Super Nintendo Entertainment System, or SNES for all you cool kids out there, arrived in North America 28 years ago. Let’s take a quick look back.
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1st grade for me…School announced that the top 5 kids from each grade level will get a SNES…never wanted one so bad and i worked my hardest….I didnt win but my grades/Behavior greatly improved…My parents saw i worked hard and got me a snes for xmas with 4 games….I hope to give my kids the same memories
My favorite SNES games in no order
1 Super Mario World
2 Zelda A Link To The Past
3 F-Zero
4 Street Fighter 2 Turbo
5 Donkey Kong Country
6 Super Metroid
SNES is part of my childhood. My favorite system growing up during the early 90s.
3 people say it as SNES
While we say it as S.N.E.S
SF2turbo hyper fighting
Contra 3
Link to the Past
King of Dragons
Star Fox
It would be nice if Nintendo could acknowledge the SNES and put the damn games on their online service already.
SNES was way better than NES.
my childhood in the form of a grey and purple plastic box
SNES for Switch online please Nintendo:)
Can't believe SNES still not on Switch Online ..
I got to say Donkey Kong Country blew….my….mind! I actually rented a Super Nintendo from Blockbuster Video just to play it LOL!
Should’ve released more snes classics or snes on switch for it
Blast Processing was not a marketing Gimmick. It refereed to Sega`s faster Direct Memory Access which was could be used to make the Genesis faster and replicate many effects found on the Super Nintendo like scaling and rotation, Sprite sizes as big as what`s found on the Super Nintendo and it can also used to increase the amount of colors on screen that the Genesis can do. Genesis also have faster ram then then the Super Nintendo which assist Sega Genesis Blast Processing.
My favorite console of all time.
Nintendo dropping the ball by not announcing the SNES controller and SNES games for switch for the SNES birthday. ?
My favorite system ever!
Now if only nintendo actually acknowleged its existence on the switch
If you're younger btw, and maybe you got the retro whatever edition, do yourself a favor and buy a True retro SNES that's nice and clean. Buy one extra controller, and honestly a handful of random hot /popular games from back then. The original experience is the BEST. I suggest all the standard classics plus Battletoads for example. Happy birthday ? TO ALL GAMING FANS! ? ?
I play Street Fighter II in my home thanks to SNES <3
Greatest console of all time, and it will never be beaten by anything now or in the future. No one can compete with Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, Metroid, Zelda, Mortal Kombat, Contra, Final Fantasy, Secret of Mana/Evermore, Super Punch-Out!, F-Zero, Super Mario Kart, Street Fighter, Earthworm Jim, Star Fox, Super Castlevania IV, Yoshi's Island, holy crap I could go on forever about how many great franchises were on the NES/SNES. SNES had EVERYTHING.
The SNES, Gamecube, and Nintendo DS is Nintendo's best gaming systems PERIOD
If it doesn't happen on Switch with all these latest rumors Im giving up waiting.
got it for Christmas in 1991, my favorite console of all time. super Mario world & Donkey Kong Country are games i still go back to & play frequently . so many great games on the Super Nintendo.
SNES #1 FOREVER!!…… genesis=?
What's the best 16 bit console of the 4th gen? Me personally, I rank them like this….
Super Nintendo
Sega Genesis
Turbogfx 16
Super Mario RPG and DKC was my joints back in the days