Here’s all the big news about what’s coming to Disney+ revealed at the D23 Expo 2019. Subscribe to IGN for more!
Here’s all the big news about what’s coming to Disney+ revealed at the D23 Expo 2019. Subscribe to IGN for more!
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Anakin Skywalker vs Thanos
Does IGN only hire homosexuals? That’s definitely unfair practice
I think I might have preferred an Obi-Wan movie over a show, but we'll see, I'm just happy that Ewan McGregor is back.
Disney better not fuckup the clone wars, with complex villains , epic final showdowns, beautiful animation, chilling foreshadowing and plot twits it is truly a true masterpiece that is only topped by Avatar the last Airbender!
1:21 Finally it took y’all how long to get this man a show
Vader was right to fear Kenobi during the duel . Old man was't out of practice nor weak at all …
Another happy landing
Honestly more excited for Ms. Marvel than Spider-Man.
Moon Knight gonna be lit. Lit like the light of the moon ?.
Well…. hopefully.
Now we need Ghost Rider and Adventures into Fear.
Where's the punisher ?
She Hulk???? Oh hell yeah!!!
I'm excited about most of these shows but I'm nervous about tomorrow. Supposedly tomorrow we will know if Spider-man is in or out of the MCU for sure. So fingers crossed.
Disney is adding up. (Get it?)
Is "What If…" animated or love action?
Im gonna flip if obi wan returns for star wars
I’m not hyped about anything until I know Spider-Man is safe
How dare you skip The Muppets.
I want a Obi-Wan movie, not a "netflixsish" series
Moon Knight and she-hulk ? if anyone watches RDCWorld1 YT channel, you know that moon knight is relieved lol
This dude is annoying.
Disney plus has my sub rdy
I was in the 3rd row at the panel, when Ewan came out I could hear 6k people just screaming in my ear it was amazing
Who else’s hyped
I'm most excited for She-Hulk because it must mean we get Ruffalo back!
So that trailer wasn't linked at the video, or in the comments.
YES!!!!! MOON KNIGHT AND SHE-HULK!!!!!!! I hope they crossover somehow don't know how but YES
Give me the punisher killing hella plp I’ll join or some dark super hero shows because Disney is soft
Hell yes Moon Knight!!!! Not a fan of Ms Marvel though and I never thought they would ever do She Hulk but man they are, how the hell will that go down.
I didn’t moon knight and she hulk and khamala khan were getting a show until this video. Yes please
Hello there
This sound as a distraction from the Spider-Man news. They could’ve released this any day.
I have the Disney show anakin, its over
Please suport my channel bro
Hi again