Carrion, the “reverse horror” game from Devolver Digital and Phobia Studios, has a variety of skills and upgrades that make this action-platformer more like a …
Carrion, the “reverse horror” game from Devolver Digital and Phobia Studios, has a variety of skills and upgrades that make this action-platformer more like a …
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So this is what a Carnage would look like.. Can't wait to play
Stranger things vibes
It’s very cool)
When is this game going to Release and is it going to Release on Console too?
I wonder if there are any other my monsters you have to face of against
Playing as the bad guy!? Count me in! ?
When?! They already have my money!! Switch??
I wish that this would be available on androis.
This game looks like a lot of fun.
Alex Mercer
Love it
Cant wait to play it
looks kind of like deadcells . i like it
This is exactly what I wanted! Something new and different and unique and just fun
It give me The Thing vibe. Can’t wait to play it.
Thumbnail looks like giygas
So this is Carnage before meeting Cletus?
Carrion's : +367 -7
Battletoas : +537 -773 (773,Karl!)
This is like John carpenter's the thing…. I love it!!!
Super Meatboy, Back for Revenge
Breathtaking ??????
Resident Evil: T a g. Y o u ‘ r e i t
This is what a picture a true, The Thing, game would be
.my ex girlfriend is a protagonist in a video game, wow
Looks pretty damn interesting!
We are venom
Kind of feels repetative.
I’m a sucker for these style of plafformers! Reminds me of The Darkness a lil’ bit.
Looks disgusting and fun
What a dope and original idea!!
Soooooooooo………it’s kinda like The Thing. Sorta.
Looks awesome!
This really feels like an SCP spin-off game! Nice!
Looks interesting
I need this game.
Are you that thing is an SCP?
Is it coming to switch?
Woooow cool