Have you ever wanted to be a shark? Of course you have, and great news, because that’s exactly the premise of Maneater. You go around eating people, doing …
Have you ever wanted to be a shark? Of course you have, and great news, because that’s exactly the premise of Maneater. You go around eating people, doing …
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Hope this will be on PS4 ?
Shark attacks? Chris Parnell narration? That’s all you had to say!
So its like a remastered jaws game?
Release date?
Is this game on Steam?
I’m dead off the snitch parking lot.
Is it weird I really wanna play this game
This is awesome, I played a game called Depth which is shark vs human. This brings it to the whole next level from the sharks in the game Depth.
The what?
I hope it comes to console but I really hope it succeeds.
I thought he said Chris Cornell
they should make a preditor game for sea where u can be shark alligator or depending on witch part of the ocean or lake your in u get to use the animals from that area
Looks garbage
This looks lame as hell
A game where u can play as all animals in somewhere like Africa would be dope asf
Leading a pack of lions
or a Flock of birds
to snake gameplay
and name it "Amazon Pride"
Oooh here he comes… watch out boy, it'll chew you up…
Yo this look fun
Trip Wire deserve every support because they have always made great indie games.
This game looks awesome but I wish there was more physics involved in the sharks movement, like the turning and stuff doesn’t seem that satisfying
3:49 are those Xbox buttons at the top??….I see RB and LB on the top….