Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot comes to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC early in 2020. Subscribe to IGN for more!
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot comes to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC early in 2020. Subscribe to IGN for more!
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Get back up and EAT. THAT. HORSE.
Looks better then xenovers 2
This makes me miss the original Funimation voice actress.
Even thought this story is way too old .. I'm still getting chills watching it over and over again
I don't know how often I played and watched the story already but damn I'll play that one too
This game is mind blowing..
Hey…! Lets relive this story for about the BILLIONTH TIME! Y-yaaaaaaay!
This game gone go all the way until the boo saga. Then super and GT are going to be a DLC.
How many times are they gonna remake the same game???!!!
AH YES! those times when gohan was more than a paper weight.
…just give us Budokai 4 already…
To bad is not for switch
Goddamn how many times can they retell the same story. It's been SO MANY YEARS. Yet….it still works
Dragon Ball of War: Boi
Dragon Ball Sagas.. Is that you?
I hope this game is better than the rest I will be the first to buy it
0:56 driving around super saiyan lol
just how many decades do we have to repeat this story line? argghhhh.. and yet nobody even bother to make dbs story line. yeah, i know.. it sux.. but since dbs has lame story and no power level difference, it would actually work great in game. krillin going against super saiyan blue.. dbs was only anime that made it possible outside of a dbz game. 😀
my dream has come true its the dream off all dbz fan like if u agree
I can not wait to play
All i just want VEGETA
How many more times will they recycle the same story?