After seeing Marvel’s Avengers gameplay at Gamescom 2019 we have a much better idea of how the heroes will work together in co-op and the Hero story …
After seeing Marvel’s Avengers gameplay at Gamescom 2019 we have a much better idea of how the heroes will work together in co-op and the Hero story …
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Looks kinda boring and generic, I’ll wait for a sale, especially since we’re unsure of how the microtransactions are gonna work
She doesn't look like she even play video game
This game needs to be open world I'm sorry the fighting style just doesn't hold this game up
Worst design character
Deeper than we thought ?
Oh it IGN talking nevermind
My hype for this game is gone. They should have released the demo footage with the announcement or not have announced it at all. If they mess up the gameplay and make the super cinematic and sequenced this game will flop
After seeing this combat I’m getting this game
Why are complaining that no Hawkeye, animations etc. If u guys don't want the game than don't. This community is shite
What’s so awful about getting a linear action game? Looks cool!
Homegirl on the right killed it with the breakdown of the story. Efficient.
Sounds boring. I'll be passing this one.
It looks awesome.
Characters still look whack. They look like the stuntman versions of the the heroes or a crew dressing up in cosplay.
Yo where my boy Hawkeye?
looks pretty cool
In my opinion
This just doesn't sound that interesting..
The plot isn't very original, combat looks average, loot system is a nope imo.
I'm sure we'd all enjoy an open world more than their "expansive world" that is just going to be very linear.
We already have ultimate alliance games and this to me just sounds like that with a different skin to be honest
Wait, heroes are depressed and they don't think they are super heroes anymore ?! Omg, I'm not sure If Im still buying this game.
who else thought the person with glasses a dude until she spoke ?
So cosmetic microtransactions in a 60 dollar game is okay now? Spiderman ps4 has dozens of costumes and not one of them can be bought with real money
“Unfortunately leaked”
Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, Black Widow in action: Very cool.
Cap in action: HELL YEAAAAH
juego estio los bataman y muchos otros juegos.