Call of Duty Modern Warfare with RTX on brings out the pyromaniac in Destin. Meanwhile, Duggan compares COD: MW to CS:GO Subscribe to IGN for more!
Call of Duty Modern Warfare with RTX on brings out the pyromaniac in Destin. Meanwhile, Duggan compares COD: MW to CS:GO Subscribe to IGN for more!
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Surprised they didn't call for censor …rtx ? What the gaming world is turning into ?
"I was more focused on the gameplay" – all players
I just may buy this COD……looks more grounded like COD WWII
Was this running at 4K Or 1440?
Is this the non jarring version of the game?
excited to try this game with my rtx 2080
Can someone explain rtx
Same old same old
What's the sabotage AI like, the hidden piece of software that manipulates the outcome of matches by ripping off certain players in face to face gunfights, changing gun stats on automatic weapons from match to match so it takes you one or two bullets more to kill certain people in the match in case it determines that you should be the loser, that makes sure some players survive a claymore blast for no reason, grants snipers an aimbot, makes it so a sniper's pistol gets you with one shot, makes you think that a player survived your bullets simply because they hopped into the air, that makes sure if you're using a short-range weapon like a shotgun you're spawned next to someone with a long-range weapon like a semi-auto rifle so you lose that gunfight, or if you're camping on one half of the map, the sabotage AI makes sure everyone is only spawning on the other half of the map so you're wasting your time camping. This last one I've experienced time and again and exposed by sending up a UAV. There is many other subtle things it does. Dusty Female Cat 2 has brought it up. Modern Warfare Remastered is especially blighted by the sabotage AI. It's something Activision puts in the game to ensure that a single person isn't winning a free for all match again and again, unless it's some Masonic YouTuber brat, and it also ensures that there is no such thing as an OP gun or OP class. You can't claim a gun is OP when in one match it will seem OP, but in the next match it will underperform, then the next match it will seem OP again.
Is there a non-lethal mode?
It's RTX Shadows from what I've heard.
Dammit where is MTX
imagine CS go with these graphics and physics
Ahh where is the campaign gameplay? That is all i want from new call of duty game
I think now its time to invest in RTX
I. Don't. Care. About. Multiplayer.
We've seen more than enough of MP. This is getting silly now.
I’m sure these IGN boys would like a “non-lethal” mode too.
I still want a theeatre mode in tis sick game like bo2 yes
They're talking about seeing rtx reflections when this game is only said to have rtx shadows…
What about Mw2 Remastered?
Can someone explain to me more about RTX? Im a peasant console gamer all my life so PC specs & words dont work with me lol
this game looks exactly like Luigis Mansion I cant wait to play it!!
A little early to be fluffing CoD right? Ahh who am I kidding, IGN has been giving doing it for years now.
Can I play this on my potato GT 710??????
Campaign gameplay soon?
Awww. Quick scope. I'm out. Sorry COD
Was expecting campaign gameplay.
First time I’m excited for Cod in years
And people were saying RTX wouldn't be used much for years… Lol
I've se n it on almost every 2020 onwards game.
Rtx looks better on minecraft lol
Awww hopefully wittle ign didn’t get spooked again :((((
There's a little something for everyone
In multiplayer RTX is useless. In campaign, maybe.
Looks real so over first shooters
RTX is the future. You would have to be a fool to think otherwise!