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The other day you said we were going to $16k and now it’s $8700 haha. Just all over the place. And please stop saying “moonboys” because you sound like your 13 years old.
2 days ago 16k, yesterday 8k. Wondering whats for today…
davincij15, do you visit bitcointalk regularly? My mate wants to contact you on that platform.
$8,700 just a matter of time.
The Three AMIGOS, The question is, which one of you is Satoshi Nakamoto. Fun show, thanks
just here for the davinci laugh
Carl is better off riding solo…
Crash to $8500
drinking a martini, enjoying the show.
Are we closing CME gaps? They always has been closed, this time exception or not?
Moon Boy Posse
Donation btc
Think carl is miles ahead of these lads
I start to wonder if it is not better to use these vids as a counter indicator haha
You have good ideas for future prediction. Thanks!)
Thx chris for bringing this dream team together?????
Nice videos, at least we can laugh…
Just do the opposite those morrons say and you will be ok….
Isnt it that the more time price hit support the more likely it is to break down? Likewise with resistance.
Great video. Loving this trio. To the moon!
Great video! Thanks guys! ??
Carl needs to give these bozos a TA clinic
good collab thank you
You 3 are the nicest youtubers out there for crypto. Good job!
Chris, Divinci and Carl, killer combo!
Is this happening because of the Ponzi scheme dumping 200k BTC?
Ok Chris here is the sauce. There is a clear double top pending on the weekly candle stick chart (no one has mentioned). This has only happen 2 times in the history of BTC this will potentially be the 3rd. So this means 1 of 2 scenarios if history repeats. We will complete this entire weekly candle as a 21% dump off (including the wick) then make new recent highs or we will test the 100 week MA at approximately 7k that’s it simple. We are potentially in a gigantic head and shoulders pattern that no one has mentioned. I’m a noob. Don’t take my advice lol trade safe ? Napolean M.
Wow, the three of them! the A-Team! All in one place together! Boom!
Great job! So stoked to see u guys pull this video off in a….ima call it a broom closet?? ?
ok sounds like gd time to short
Dude, you got my boy Carl on there! That’s awesome. Ok here’s one…WAR. What about, let’s call it, WW3. I mean seriously God forbid it should happen but what about the real thing, the War?
Guy on left looks like on cociane, middle one on marijuana, right one on cheese burgers. Mate you need to control your belly rather than thinking of controlling BTC price
Guys all I can see you guys lost your mind. Must be drinking heaps
Only buy Neo value for money. Look what they got compare to MC
the day you all actually call it correct.. you will all be GENIUS once again and gain more followers.
bro!!! last video yall were certain it was going to 16k.. WTF. No trolling intended but everyday your certain
MOON BOY!!!!!!!!!! I am with Davinci!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!love all three of you
You guys are the coolest !! ??!! You guys have Instagram????? If so ? What the Instagram ?