We are trying some new GAMES on Game Scoop this week. Subscribe to IGN for more! http://www.youtube.com/user/IGNentertainment?sub_confirmation=1 …
We are trying some new GAMES on Game Scoop this week. Subscribe to IGN for more! http://www.youtube.com/user/IGNentertainment?sub_confirmation=1 …
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I need a copy of butfirst.mp3!
My Buffalo, NY Grammar/Middle School was using bagged milk in the cafeteria 15 years ago. So I don't think this is the first bagged milk in the USA. Sorry to burst your, uh, bag.
I wish they would do the music game but with newer tracks. Maybe they can't because of copyright. I dont remember most music from games when I was a kid.
From the part of Canada I live in, bags of milk are 1.33L and there is 3 of them not 2.
As a fellow Canadian, you make us very proud CJ, you seem like a great man loved by his coworkers, always positive and just a damn good simple guy! Hope you have fun in your new job!
Best of luck CJ!
Scoop! Best show on IGN. Who to replace CJ?
You’ll be missed CJ!
Wii sports hit me like a ton of bricks. So did TMNT.
When did Game Scoop become watching/listening to people play party games with a minimum of content related to video game news (scoop)? What's next week's topic, video game charades?
Why do several of the podcasts I listen to keep saying the US doesn't bag milk? When I was in grade school, that's all we had!
First, gonna miss CJ. His laugh is so contagious. The video game music man will be missed. The more I watched the episode the more sad I got that the energy CJ brings won’t be there. Him and professor Sam feed off each other so well. CJ you will be the second IGN staff leaving that I will continue to follow. Hopefully something where he is on screen.
Thank you Justin. It’s not like Nintendo used the exact same box.
Super Castlevania IV has got one of my favourite soundtracks.
When the Chemical Plant Zone music is too good to not play in its entirety
Judging a book by its cover there Miranda…. Geralt is not boring.
Someone take Justin's Game Scoop card.
The best version of that mega man track is by Smooth Mcgroove . The name already put him at the top
Ohhh Yeah Sonic Chemical Zone!
Even in India (at least the part of South India where I'm from), the most common brand of milk comes in a plastic bag.
that music in the end !!!
suck it Mario
Great episode, very much enjoyed musical joust.
So much incredible music on this episode. I knew it was gonna be good when the first musical piece we heard was Guile's stage from Street Fighter II Turbo.
Nicely job.
24:14 – Actually, Sam, 90210 had a PC CD Rom game that came out in 1995 and that you can get on E-Bay.
First Canada, now IGN.
How can another great place let him leave without handing over a blank check?
Guys you're all so handsome in your own special way but Miranda omg she's a super cutie 🙂
Edit: awesome job everyone, CONGRATS DAEMON BEST OF LUCK CJ
Ended with chemical zone love that one. Later CJ.
Miranda is like a female Owen Wilson… "Wow!" ?
Oh man. CJ, you made me remember, something like… up to 30 years ago, milk was also sold in plastic bags like that here in Portugal.What a nice way to go man. keep it up Captain Cannuck 😀
How do you close the bag after the first use?!
Scoop would benefit from more Miranda
The Damon soundboard made me uncomfortable in a nicely job kinda way
farewell quiver king
I’ll miss you buddy! ? Prosper in whatever you do CJ, we believe in you.
Congrats to Daemon 🙂 and goodbye CJ 🙁