Check out the opening moments of Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey, a third-person survival game developed by Panache Digital Games. Subscribe to IGN …
Check out the opening moments of Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey, a third-person survival game developed by Panache Digital Games. Subscribe to IGN …
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I'll wait for the harambe and donkey kong mods
It's basically grand theft auto airdale
I’d highkey buy this if it’s going to have multiplayer. We could be bonobos together
Ooga booga 7/10 oogas
I thought the baby monkey had a gun
I seriously thought this was the new assassin's creed
Oh man. I can’t wait til the creationists hear about this bad boy. It’s gonna be pitchforks & torches.
Patrice Delice, go back to Assassins Creed and save the series, you did so great with the first four Assassins Creed games.
Assassins Creed : Apes gone Wild !
Is this or will be on ps4 not digital download like some dummies but a real disk?
Assassin's creed : primal
Is this the sequel to Donkey Kong 64
Isn't this game cannon with Assassin's Creed?
Did they just downgraded the graphics
is this the new donkey kong?
It looks like itll get boring after 30 mins
Looks repetitive and kinda boring…
Can't wait till someone lets an Ape play this game… that'll be something to witness!
Was excited, but this looks boring, the climbing, the walking, all looks unpolished and slow/floaty. and too many huds on screen. The soundtrack is cool though. Jus my opinion
Lol they made a game about my how my grandparents lived
Motion Blur: The video game.
Joe Rogan has entered the chat.
I wish it were more immersive. Less hud more haptics and sound design.
Another thing is that i think the best place to start in this game is as a youngling.
We see markers with question marks on them at 15:10 of the game.
We should be introduced to how the younglings develop curiosities and fears as the earliest learning experience in the game. Something that happens close to their home that engages their curiosities and fears. And the insignia for these things should be real world objects that landmark these experiences and not question marks imo.
hoping we can reach pre civilization humans
Pure trash
To be honest, Ape's are extremely Interesting creatures.
Assassins creed has changed so much
Just wait until the religious fanatics find out about this game.
This makes no fucken sense