Check out the Cryptocurrency Technical Analysis Academy here: https://bit.ly/2EMS6nY
Check out the article mentioned at 2:30 here: https://www.coinspeaker.com/new-zealand-cryptocurrency/
In this video, we discuss the very likely scenario that Bitcoin will reach $20,000 by the end of 2019. We also discuss some Crypto news about New Zealand.
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I am not a financial adviser, this is not financial advice. I strongly encourage all to do their own research before doing anything with their money. All investments/trades/buys/sells etc. should be made at your own risk with your own capital.
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Hey Jebb! I think there is a major pullback missing in the bitcoin market for a proper rally. I also want to believe that because I want to buy more… haha… but if you think of bitcoin having a next all time high of let's say 100.000 USD than a major pullback to let's say back to 3000 USD wouldn't be a big deal and from there bitcoin would accumulate more building power to go up!!
Enough reasons to get a CRYPTOTAG ?
We take away the risk so you can have a safe HODL. ??
lol how ridiculous
We need an indicator that shows us when the foolish are buying at ATH and selling at the yearly lows
Upside Jebb.
I watched the transactions complete
Do they know something we do not? Why sell so many at that price, if the BTC value was going up? Thses sellers are obviously not novice with millions in their order balance
I have asked a question, once here, and then twice on the live stream, about the large order sell offs on Binance. I am also the one the remarked of the Fortune Cookies and Pizza being a product of New York, so I know you saw my question. Would you please reply, with honesty? There were 2 very large sell offs, one on 757 BTC at 11400 and 500 at 11450 on Binance. Do you not think you owe your followers at least an opinion?
Once it does the quake …a Tsunami will grow higher nd higher in disbelief …nd will be out of reach for 99.9% of population….the quake will be suttle..300-500 drop…..nd the wave will start ..nd no one will even see it comming to crazy highs this year
I’m bullish on BTC, but I think the price will mostly move sideways and down for the rest of this year
Ya I saw some other youtube predicting $45000 by the end of the year. LOL You youtubers are funny. If it gets above $14k by the end of the year I'll be surprised.
To many bullish indicators. Look at the monthly, weekly, daily, 4 he charts, especially rsi.. going to 20k this year
moon boy
we need a pull back to 8-9k to catapult this thing to ATH. And that can be achieved very quickly EOY 2019.
Significant drop in near term. Significant rise by year end. Buy low, sell high — great gift to investors if all plays out!
It's FUN to watch BTC when BTC goes up in price. It's not FUN to watch BTC's correction since June 26th. Regardless, I buy the dips in BTC, DCA, and HODL. That's fun.
I'm bearish on bitcoin, but I'm not selling any of my coins!
How about golden cross it didn’t happened since2016
It'll be $20,000 by next month imo.
You better be right Jebb. Otherwise I’ll be coming for you ?. Money Magnet.
Look forward to the Live!!! Rock on Jebb!!!
Jebb Would be much funner to watch BTC if I had a lower buy-in I started in 2017 have some expensive BTC/need it to Moon!!
We are in a coil ready to spring
I don't expect that btc wil reach 20k before the halvening in may2020. It behaved like this in the previous cycles.
I've always said watching bitcoin is WAY better than anything you could find on ESPN or any sport you could watch lmao glad to hear someone finally agree with me!!
Before November people will FOMO out.
Bitcoin could be going up to $20k because 'look at how much it already has gone up'
-is the most stupid reason I have ever heard.
Long Live the 2019-2022 Bitcoin Bull Run!!!
depends on where it will drop
45k dec 2019, 40% correction Jan 2020, feb 2020 will be 29k bitcoin ??
Bit of a desperate attempt to talk bitcoin up in the light of its current continuing slide.
Lemme Guess. Bullish?
Well done jebb like your style,have one of us search it out,lol
"Yes, I'm hilarious, time to move on."
Dude, you crack me up. LOL