Echo Fox’s Leonardo “MKLeo” Lopez Perez discusses winning two championships in two weeks at the Evolution Championship Series 2019 in Las Vegas and …
Echo Fox’s Leonardo “MKLeo” Lopez Perez discusses winning two championships in two weeks at the Evolution Championship Series 2019 in Las Vegas and …
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SPOILERS! Dammit, Gimr. Drop the fucking match already.
Wait did he just say he felt that Tweek wasn't really trying? Oof
Im not in the fighting game community. Why is he hated? Seems very humble and nice.
I hated on MKLeo's ike back in the day, because nair after nair was boring to watch. But damn, his Joker is a class act and displays his hard work so I have to respect it. But I do wonder why others hate on him, the crowd not cheering unless its his op killing him etc. Is it just because he's always winning, and people want to see him lose, or is it maybe because he's from Mexico and that's a hot topic atm. Whatever the reason, the man is literally out here breaking spirits, but has a heart of gold. Goodjob MKLeo.
awww I thought EE stole the interview from ESPN
i like how empathetic he is. true champ
Interviewer: "wdy not pop off this big ass win???"
Leo: "I care for the mental health of my opponent, I have no enemies but rivals, I would feel bad if the same thing happened to me"
Whoa man, that was deep…
<3 mad respecc <3
Hoes mad
You're going to be the next Kyrie Irving
Leo eats the Souls and crushed Dreams of his foes for breakfast Lunch and Dinner
Congratulations Leo, viva México!
Do you hate Samsora?
I don't hate those weaker than me. I pity them.
MKLeo is Escanor confirmed
The Clutch God
My man only goes into losers bracket to play more of the game lol
I love watching him play
This guy is soo humble yet he’s the best in the world in ultimate
MkLeo is a class act. Thought it very mature of him to recognize how his opponent feels even after pulling off a herculean loser's run like that, after doing the same thing at EVO. Congratulations on your win.
Stay salty people LUL
Leo is so humble, don’t get why would people even hate the guy…
How can you hate this humble Mexican kid
Leo literalmente uso la palabra comeback como los girl groups de kpop como TWICE
Lets go
I love Leo so much, he's so talented!
Leo its just too good man damn <3
I don't get the hate for this man, he's so talented