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Bad news if China tries to pump up Bitcoin to get back at the US. You can expect a dump and or also a ban on it for US customers. The dump is to get the Americans money once they see how much as been bought in. If it does not dump you will see the ban because China will be using it to purchase outside of US currency avoiding the 10% hike. Good luck everyone.
Nick, do you have a profile on Etoro? If you do, I'll gladly copy you. I like your swing trading strategy. Keep me posted!
nope. will top out at 11800 and then come back down to 10k or maybe even 8.5k.
NEK Minute Alts get smashed again
Hey Nick, what's your take on GRIN at this point of the year?
Hey! Thanks for the frequent uploads man. Love your content
is going down now
Get some sleep, Nicholas – you look tired
Hey Nick,
Bit late on my comment on this one.
Was just wondering if you’d put in a small mention to Litecoin, and your opinion on whether you think it may swing a bit more to the down side, or not.. I know you’re not one to travel with the usual crypto news trend line but with all halvening talk I’d love to know your view.
Loving the return of the a video a day. It’s always great to catch your opinion even if it’s a “most coins are neutral” type of day.
Thank u for tour videooo
World economy going down BTC going up…
Etoro likes you to trade the market. As much transactions as possible
do some updates on Sentinel Chain, Unibright and Morpheus Network
go with OmiseGO, Elastos , Grin, Sentinel Chain, Unibright,SophiaTx, and Morpheus Network for Huge return
Unemployment isn't really at 4%. Look at the Workforce Participation Rate, which hasn't been this low since 40 years.It's 63%. That means real unemployemnt is 27%, that still doesn't take into account that more people are under-employed and even full time workers and paid less than in the past. I know WPR takes into account retired people, but look at the trend, less and less people are working. https://imgur.com/lDDgj3M
good and clear theory!!
Game Theory and Trump Theory might be two different things you might be doing the art of the deal Game Theory
No schwing trading here =]
Yeah its called thief!
Your video ending is awesome
I fully agree with how Trump is manipulating the Fed. While he has no authoritative power over the Fed, he can make sutuations that influence their rate decisions. I hope the Fed thinks of a counter for this.
Bro pls speak louder
In addition to my previous comment: What will you do if you can't find your way to a computer with internet access? You're so in control of your private btc but only if verizon or at&t allows you to use their networks on your smart phone which is WAY smarter than you are and can be turned off and rendered useless by the company that created it at any time. You talk about bank "bail-ins" as if that couldn't happen to your internet access only much more easily! We have unilaterally surrendered our liberty and privacy to govt and corporations in exchange for creature comforts and cool stuff. That's already happened. Please don't fool yourself into thinking that will somehow be reversed without a complete collapse of the entire system and the destruction of these technologies which also lead to war and death on a massive scale. They are so much more powerful than we even know and they will be used to control us and subvert our freedoms ultimately. I'm saying love bitcoin for what it is but don't believe it's something that it's not. It could even be a trojan horse!
Love your videos but I don't agree that etoro is any good. It's expensive and pretty lousy UX.
Cost allot to withdraw as well. Coinbase and binance is best.
I'm a btc investor BUT why are some people so confident that btc and crypto = financial sovereignty and freedom from govt and banks? You might control your private keys but you do not control the internet. Obama talked about wanting a "kill switch" do any of you think that doesn't already exist? Even if it doesn't, we don't know the first thing about how the internet really works we just use it and upload our lives to it. Btc and blockchain are not our saviors from Orwellian technocracy in fact it's probably the opposite. It will be so easy for govts to control us once we are all using digital money because they can control your use of the web. I don't care about our private vpns either. It's only private because "they" aren't looking hard enough yet. I buy btc and alts because as long as we live in a somewhat free society, and have free markets, I can profit and buy things I want but this idea that the old system of bankster subversion of the 99% is coming to end is laughable. Technology is constricting our freedom more and more every day because we are engaging in something that we didn't create, we don't understand and we don't control. We are much much closer to wars, civil wars, race wars, gender wars, religious wars on a large scale than we are to a free utopia where all of us are sovereign individuals freely moving around the globe spending our own money as we please. I LOVE the sentiment but it's not reality. Just my opinion…
Trump is a moron, enough said! Great video! ?
Just as the Internet affected newspapers, now it's coming for banks.
99 % you are on coke. Not that you are wrong though
Indeed Crypto is about to take flight and there is nothing the Establishment can do about it except embrace it and endorse it. CheckMate big brother ur system is dead due to u being 2 greedy!
7:58 Their BCH endeavour.
Weekend retails getting pumped again lol, we all know this will hit resistance 11-12k and drop like a stone.
Honestly market makers must be pissing there pants laughing at retailers lol
I wound up buying several miners from Bitmain over the years, the last being the s9 (they currently are shut off
They sent me an email about their new one (s-17 that can do up to 53 th/s), but I wouldn't even buy that unless it goes to 15-20k, really not worth the risk, when you're doing it at home and paying high electric bills.
And that thing you mentioned where they use them for a while and then sell them when the difficulty goes higher, I suspect they have been doing that all along, with all coins.
As far as Trump and Powell, I respect Powell's economic mindset, but I don't think Trump really knows what he's doing economically, I think it's more personal/political motivation with him.
Hey Nick, wouldn't you say you're not a good trader? I have followed your videos and you don't seem to be a good trader imo.
I have traded to a large success and this seems to be an "easy" market to trade right now until something changes
Hi Nick, could you please consider uploading your content to other video platforms like Bitchute?
I agree doing good Nicholas! I like Trump! I am a businessman too!
Nick: I'm not trading these market bro, I'm just averaging in ?
Nick's brain: Bro I don't need to trade these market cause am landing some killer sponsor?
Nick, your comment of trump vs fed doesn’t add up – the fed just cut rates BEFORE trump added new tariffs – that’s a fact!. Your channel is not political and I appreciate that, but make sure your talking point is fact. I mean, you made a video about the rate cut. Just want to make sure you follow your own timeline. Cheers!
everyone alsways constantly talking about adding on dips lol where do they keep getting the fiat to add do they have a central bank at home or something ?
great video as all ways Yes Trump wont low rates what president would not. Hay BTC looking to me 2
I think it’s a fake out and it will drop to 8k range to fill the gap
Today’s price doesn’t matter. Just buy in and hold it for several years and you will make money.
Trump want stocks higher to get elected. This won't happen if interest rates rise. I agree Bitcoin is looking good.
Imagine a foreign competitor could find a way to put a leader in place in multiple other countries with the knowledge that they could manipulate them to make unwise economic decisions for their own countries. This would give the foreign competitor nation a remarkable edge.
The people who made the money found a gold vein, made a pick axe and shovel, mined the best bulk of that vein, then turned around and announced that they are a supplier of shovels and pick axes for this new vein and sold thousands to the masses to fight over the scraps.
Real estate, that's how you spend it.
No not at all. I see it going to 7k levels
Ain't eTORO offer no real crypto but only options?
"Bitcoin and Łitecoin mining reward halving ‘supply shock’ coming down the track..?..?
I know that I am repeating my comment: Nicholas, you are getting better and better (at least in my mind ?)!