TBS Oblivion – FPV Racer [Team BlackSheep]

The first ever injected composite polymer unibody racing drone. Race ready, 120km/h (75mp/h) top speed and up to 11 minutes flight time out of the box! ??
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● Trappy
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● RensenFPV
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● KerniFPV
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● TomSmithFPV
► http://instagram.com/tomsmithfpv
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● ZackiFPV
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● Malik Bash – Ghosts [NCS Release]
download/stream ► http://ncs.io/GhostsID
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About the Author: Team BlackSheep


  1. How do you achieve suck long run times on a 1800 battery I get 4–6 tops one a steady flight. Love the drone either way just wondering many thanks you rock black sheep

  2. Would this be a good choice for a 1st time racer? I was looking at the RTF combo. Would I have to solder anything on the RTF combo? The vendetta 2 looks awesome too!

  3. Started vibrating after a few crashes, swapped the seemingly damaged motors and props, contacted the support, no success yet, kind of disappointing…

  4. Awsome frame in terms of material, it goes to hell and back, still wanting more. But old mount for cam, tight in general for custom build. Trappys motors are special for all of you who build customs… a 2×06 will do but the hight of the prop is what it is, so in custom a 2×07 or 2×08 is needed for more prop to clear the canopy

  5. Just ordered mine.
    This will be my 2nd quad to go along with my BNF Emax Hawk 5.
    Now I’ll have two really nice BNF birds to fly and teach my youngest on too!
    TBS kicks a$$ and I can’t wait to receive my new bird and post some videos.
    Happy flying and see ya’ in the skies!

  6. Hay guys my pnp oblivion rates are super low…i turned up the rates and eventually got to max …and not making much difference,,any suggestions..?

  7. 11 minutes out of the Box… no way … we testet RTF bundle with the tbs lipo and the longest flighttime was 5:30 Minutes? What kind of Lipos you use to get 11 minutes?

  8. Whats up! its me Lewis Lozano from Miami! This is my channel. Ive been very un-active. but with my new Oblivion im ready to get back on it!!!
    I cant wait to get this Oblivion with Tango combo.. you guys are awesome. Thanks for getting back to me so fast on my order and thanks for the upgrade on the Tango. I like the direction Team Black Sheep is going. I cant wait to see long range races!!!

  9. Great idea! I'd like to see spec class racing with these type.

    Also now I can point anyone starting out of something solid and reliable that isn't intimidating for a beginner to FPV quads.

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