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About the Author: IGN


  1. Modern day super hero movies are equivalent to the 1930's (*) Hollywood musical. A passive and powerless audience escaping reality and engaging in power fantasy. * wwii

  2. I like the scene between Doctor Strange and Tony, where Strange holds up his finger to let Tony know that this is the one scenario where they can win.

    Runner up: Wanda wrecking Thanos.

  3. 1: Tony's funeral
    2: Avengers Assemble
    3: Thor kills Thanos
    4:Natasha's sacrifice
    5: I Am Iron Man (it was just that what came after is at #1 spot so don't complain)
    6: Cap is worthy
    7: The avengers planning the Time Heist
    8: Time Heist
    9: Tony in space
    10: The end credits

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