Todd McFarlane shares his excitement around his character Spawn coming to Mortal Kombat 11. Watch more from Comic Con 2019 here!
Todd McFarlane shares his excitement around his character Spawn coming to Mortal Kombat 11. Watch more from Comic Con 2019 here!
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I swear if they don’t release the Kombat pack trailer at comic-con, that will be a huge let down. Because Both Todd, Bruce, and Arnold are all gonna be there.
Looking forward to it, its about time spawn gets his due, midevil spawn skin,chapel skin,al Simmons skin, commando skin, hes perfect for mk11.
Also lots of chain attacks and I mean that literally.
I would be excited to play spawn in MortalKombat 11
Kape Konfirmed!
So…. basically he was disappointed with the Spawn DLC on Soul Calibur??? ??
Halloween maybe but sooner the better no I take that back take your time but not too long
Hopefully spawn gets his own game now and new merch
So who's up for some "Prawn" action?
Been a follower for Spawn and Todd Mc. Farlane since Spawn began in 1992 can't wait until Spawn release
We better get a trailer soon
Todd has a Valid point! It has to impress MK Fans, nit Spawn's. Cause if they do, everything will follow ?
Im genuinely excited to see the character finally portrayed with no technological hinderance.
Thats why Spawn hasnt been showing up in alot of video game media, he is the top tier spectacle who was designed way ahead of technologies capabilities.
Just to be clear with new folks, he is not like Deadpool and not like Wolverine, Spawn is unlike anything in Marvel or DC.
Spawn has fought Batman twice. So expect a Batman reference with Raiden or Sub Zero.
I would've said to get Keith David to reprise his role
All the dlc fighters announced so far I’m super hyped for except sindel. Honestly wish they would’ve gave us mileena instead. And hopefully the rumors of ash and terminator being the last 2 characters of kombat pack 1 is true. Not sure how the skins or customization would work with terminator though
I'll be looking forward to seeing Spawn in action in this game.
I'm actually even more hyped for spawn after seeing his excitement
Can we talk about how sweet this video is, he seems like such nice guy!
What's up with his Spawn movie
Thats is why I bought the Kombat Pass on MK11! I can't wait!
Now we know why he wasn't in injustice 2
"There's gonna be a lot more red then just his cape"….CAPE CONFIRMED!
In 5 min there will be a new video
Looks like we're getting another S-Tier character
Probably gonna buy the game now, just to play as spawn.
I smell that Kombat Pack Trailer..
stop spamming
Ohhhhhhhhhh yeah