Fox News contributor James Freeman, Barron’s Associate Editor Jack Otter and Cornell Capital Partner Ann Berry on Tesla CEO Elon Musk touting brain-chip …
Fox News contributor James Freeman, Barron’s Associate Editor Jack Otter and Cornell Capital Partner Ann Berry on Tesla CEO Elon Musk touting brain-chip …
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1:08 “at a certain price I’m willing to let Elon implant it in me”
Instead of actually doing a little research and knowing what they're talking about so they can have a truly informed discussion, they make jokes like 12 year olds. What was the point of this segment?
‘Dumbos’ it is not GPS tracker ?
These guys are totally clueless. And if they even watched the presentation neuralink gave, they sure didn't understand anything of it…
What sane person would want Google interfaced directly with his brain?
Fox News plz get rid of these morons
Stop trying to give this a negative connotation . You guys are pitiful!!! DONT LISTEN TO THEM! THEY ARE PUPPETS. Make your own conclusion
What could go wrong???? (Watches the movie "Terminal Man") oh..
They say if chipped you control your stuff. Reality is, if chipped they control you… resist……
Any elon musk technology is just to save humanity you people don't need to freak out so much if we don't get this things implanted in our brain robots are gonna end humanity and that won't be good
NEVAR!!! This is obviously cannot be used in a good way at ALL! Hell naw!!!!!
mark of the beast
Liberty misused is lawlessness.
Driverless driving and machine working in the place of human is NOT a good advice. You may master technology but technology is NOT your master neither technology serves all human purposes.
Technology has it's limits and role to play. Technology is to SIMPLIFY and IMPROVE the process in human Work Environment and Security of Nation, and individual Privacy. And now the liberty of technology VIOLATED and became LAWLESSNESS.
Homosepiens aren't machines. Neither machines are Homosepiens. Machines don't have blood which is Life to humans. Humans became arrogant about their pride of innovations and taken into violation of ORDER. Humans make a lot of DISORDER.
Elon Musk. With the Merge of AI and humans what will that mean for the future of organic RAW consciousness? Once humans become machine all other life will be looked at as inferior thus weeding out those who cant afford it or dont want it? A new kind of species will rise and the world will never be the same. I hope you realize this
Yall thought the bible was fake or just written by some regular human when the bible alresdy tells us they are going to implement everyone getting the chip in their right hand or forhead. Only two places they can put it because it is the two spots where our temputure change the most
Very dangerous man.even more dangerous tech
Mark of the beast. Stay away from this chip.
Dunkin donuts must be codename for the strip club?
Super super super amazing video! ???
This is extremely evil people. This is the season of the end times for sure. DO NOT ever get a brain chip or a hand chip. Or anything else for that matter.
This sounds as awesome as the tunnel in LA.
Just stick to your plan of going to mars!
My phones fail too often to take a chance with that!
This will end the human race , cyborgs… I get that astronauts would need this for their safety …..can they be removed??? Or would that throw the individual into a mental health downfall , resulting in suicide …..
This proves that all tin foil hat schizophrenics were RIGHT !!!! The tin foil will block the control signals sent to the brain chip !
So lead by example Elon, if this tech is so wonderful you be the first to hook your brain up to your smartphone, the fact is he knows there are plenty of brainwashed idiots who worship everything he says and does who will line up to be his guinea pigs.
…Shitstain christianity – Control Tool of the World Elite (White Terrorist Colonizer ) …
Download Trump…
“For a certain price, I’m willing to let Elon PLANT IT IN ME”
I agree, they completely lack knowledge of the subject to even have an opinion.
Elon musk is a NWO agent
These people, Musk and company, simply are sick as well as these so called journalists joking about a barbaric and godless concept.
The annunaki said it is already here a worker beast we need only put our mark on them and our backbreaking toil is ended respite is at hand !
Mark for control sounds technical to me ! ?
These guys are idiots. Neuralink was designed to merge us with A.I.. Why not talk about this?
Well gee….; Combine what Facebook and Google want to do,establish World Economy/World Social Scoring via bitcoin etc., with the Chip in the Head or hand and good golly it just sounds like [past to future knowledge] = prophecy of thousands of years ago coming true. Who would of thought biblical scripture was/is like tomorrow's newspaper. ? I'm not surprised one bit…coin ; But alas, many will be . Oh well?
link ur brain to ur phone, so that way you can go crazy no thanks
And dont get me started on the new frontier of possibilities for mastermind hackers. Think people. Dont be mindless sheep.
That's a big fat negative ghost rider. Ever heard of the mark of the beast?
Grrr, so sick of Fox News exploiting and sexualizing women! Oh, you just ran out of desk, did you? And you just had to put the woman in the short dress exposed on the end of the line, did you!? Not strategic at all, was it!?
Oh my gosh, JUST PRESENT THE NEWS! Stop prostituting your female guests to your male viewership!
Every freaking time.
Mark of the beast ? PASS