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About the Author: Virtual Reality Oasis


  1. man im actually really upset i didnt grow up with these consoles, i love the older consoles and ive only played a few games, but i never got to play some of the big ones like the first legend of zelda, or adventure. dont get me wrong, i LOVE xbox/ps/pc, but the older consoles were more connected to reality

  2. Hey Mike I kind of like your emu VR this video is my favorite to play old school video games just like in the third Challenge from Ready Player One play Adventure but even I can keep playing me yours until You released this game would you please a good life

  3. My crush as a kid was Alyssa Milano, little did I know that she'd grow up to be such an empty headed zlitch. But I'd still give her a bone, right in her mouth so she'd shut-up. LOL!

  4. Talk about a nostalgia bomb. I had glow-in-the-dark star and planet stickers on my own bedroom ceiling, growing up. And then seeing the physical carts and CDs, the consoles. Good stuff. To what extent can you customize the room?

    Thanks for the great video, Mike.

  5. A little disappointed you didn't have to blow in the nes cartridges to make them work. You should also have to turn the playstation upside down to get it to read the discs properly.

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