The developers behind GreedFall, an upcoming open-world fantasy RPG, walk you through the creation of their unique, wonderous world. Subscribe to IGN for …
The developers behind GreedFall, an upcoming open-world fantasy RPG, walk you through the creation of their unique, wonderous world. Subscribe to IGN for …
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Seems fun.
Fable 2 and 3 vibes ??? nice game
Gears 5 and GreedFall released on the same day….and Borderlands 3 later that week?! Time to clear my schedule that whole week on my calendar.
This looks pretty cool! The monsters look epic.
I adore the French accent. Hmm.
Чё бля??? Переведите что за хуйня пиздит эта шлае ень?
Sounds cool but Ill believe it when I see it … I like the 1700's aesthetic though.
Also this game reminds of the book "Monster Blood Tattoo" if you haven't read It i suggest it
I feel like this is gonna be an award winning game that wont get more attention until after its released
I'm sold .. The world looks so fun to explore
Because of Technomancer (which I bought at full price) I will be waiting on this one as that game was a huge let down.
Previous studio spiders games were all the same, just reskinned. Not saying they are bad, I kinda enjoyed them, but still they were pretty similar.
A RPG game in piracy theme with sick graphics? It will be the greatest game ever or a complete trash. There’s no middle of it
cool looking forward.
Interesting… I'm actually learning French so it was nice to hear them this way.
Also I got an eye for this game
Looks like Witcher
but in Britain ?
My next favorite RPG is real life.
I heard the graphics are amazing.
The graphics could be better though.
Nice to finally see Spiders get a AAA budget.
dear developers all across the world, please never use the phrase "the world is a character". its so overused and cliche
assasins creed in rdr2 environment with witcher3 vibes
This looks quite solid. May pick it up depending on the reviews
What kind of Assassin's Creed is this?
seems like my kind of game
Likely Assassin, story Templar
I heard the deluxe edition comes with a baguette and a bottle of wine.
This game is unbelievable!
I'm a simple man
i see RPG i buy it.
Does anyone know the likelihood that they'll slip micro transactions into it? I don't know much about this developer