Remedy hasn’t made a game with side quests before, but it’s not playing around for its first try – these are no joke. Subscribe to IGN for more!
Remedy hasn’t made a game with side quests before, but it’s not playing around for its first try – these are no joke. Subscribe to IGN for more!
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Is the game will be torture us that battle music?
What is "you tried" award for video games? Because I see a new champ of mediocrity.
Does she have to climax every time she floats.
It’s dark! Can barely see much
What's this game called?
Game of thrones s8e3?
Oh my lord! And they RECOMMEND GTX1080Ti OMEGALUL!
just so booring
This game seems very… boring
in dont understand what´s hapenning, but seems easy
That speech delay longer than a monday
Короче никаких откровений.
I feel like with headphones, some snacks and a dark room I could get lost in this for hours
Quantum Brake 2.0
The sound track tho???
Thanks, I’ll save my money for Astral Chain…
Control The Flat A$$
Very silent hill like battle themes in this game, a bunch of strange sounds you wouldn't normally combine with a rhythm. I like it. ????
Control Femen…
spoiler alert
Looking at this comment section this game is going to be another one of those Remedy cult games.
Any story behind the setting? Is it a factory mixed with mold?
the protagonist's lip syncing is waay out of touch
Loved the BOSS fight. But please fix that damn mouth.
ooooohh nooo i'm having Mass Effect Andromeda flashbacks MEA PTSD
Love it!!! Keep it up remedy
Being able to fly is cool but the gameplay/shooting seems very boring for some reason.
This game looks bland to me … Nothing that interests me …
quantum break was one of the best games i played, i wish they would have built a sequel instead of this
Just looks silly the way she floats or flies around or whatever that is. Thanks for showing us some gameplay so we can avoid this loser
Tomb Raider… But with aliens… Impressive.
something is…..off……..hmm………….
Uninteresting and monotonous gameplay. Not Impressive.
I like the atmosphere, theme and setting…
But those animations look dated like the titles we were getting early in the generation.