Countdown the 10 most popcorn chugging summer blockbusters of all time. Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal Respond to IGN Comments …
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Countdown the 10 most popcorn chugging summer blockbusters of all time. Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal Respond to IGN Comments …
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1. Terminator 2 Judgement Day
2. Jurassic Park
3. Star Wars A New Hope
4. The Dark Knight
5. Mad Max Fury Road
6. Jaws
7. Aliens
8. Raiders Of The Lost Ark
9. The Avengers
10. Die Hard
No Matrix and no Spiderman, epic fail.
I'm sorry: why Jaws have the 1st place? ;/
It should be Star Wars a new hope.
Where is The Dark Knight? Where is the Goonies?
All of the Avengers films, The LOTR trilogy and The Dark Knight?
1. Empire Strikes Back
2. The Dark Knight
3. Aliens
4. T2
5. Jaws
What the hell is Top Gun doing on this list, yep Jaws was the most times I went back to the cinemas. Rocky 2 was the best audience reaction, like being at a boxing match and Grease was a stampede when the doors. open.
The list should have been called the Top Ten Most Important Summer Blockbusters of All Time. Then this list would have made more sense .
Mad Max??? ??really??
1. Jaws, not even a argument
*Top 10 Nostalgia Summer Blockbusters
1. The Dark Knight
2. Empire Strikes Back
3. Back to the Future
4. Terminator 2 Judgment Day
5. Alien
6. Raiders of the Lost Ark
7. Predator
8. The Dark Knight Rises
9. Jurassic Park
10. Speed
in love all these films)
This is just top 10 Spielberg movies
Man this list is garbage lol
What about Speed, Avengers, Die Hard 1-4, Toy Story 3, Rush Hour 1-2, The Fast And The Furious, Fast Five….
Clint Gage why was this not a Cinefix video. I miss Cinefix friend
I would've included The Dark Knight and The Avengers but that's just me.
The greatest summer blockbuster ever: The Knicks Get Screwed…. Again
When it comes to Independence Day the First one was better the Sequel was Terrible.
Fun Trivia fact… Indianian Jones was only made to help fund money for the next star wars.
IGN really has no idea what they are talking about. How do you not have Avatar, The Dark Knight, and Endgame not on this list? Really who writes these bogus articles?
How is the cinefix guy on IGN. My brain is melting
T2 is an undeniable and almost total success but the original’s “gritty and gruesome” is the winner for me.
May all future killer robot movies be R rated, gritty and very gruesome!
Terminators? All raise your right hand and say “I swear I will kill everybody.” And if you can’t find a gun just reach through their chests and pull their ***** hearts out.
To me this list feels like the most influential but not necessarily the best
What about The Empire Strikes Back or Harry Potter?