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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. when a phone review guy reviews a gaming keyboard for the first time "i have never seen that before" lmao!!!

  2. Wow, this video tells almost nothing, not even mentioning the switches or giving any solid technical data regarding the product. It’s just nothing.

  3. Heyy Lew, thats not clicky at all, welll u have never tried a clicky keyboard ever……I hate u just because u try to show that u know everything but thats not true. there are more people out there who are having a deeper knowledge than u do. IDK why ppl believe ur clickbaits. U SUCK

  4. Can you pleaze unbox wierd or futuristic instruments ? Like the block or the guitar that plays dubstep and weird sound , could help you with the other channel

  5. This video sucked and offered just about zero information. Nobody gives a fuck about your schtick, dude, just do a review.

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