Where is Bitcoin heading this weekend? $14000? Lets discuss!
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George's Tips channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLHQPXzjwEEsXFOK7wQYLMg?sub_confirmation=1 | Drivers Only Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIaT-n9zE44QLTIwFq1xldQ
forecasting the future is really hard. Finding a good entry/exit point is always difficult.. People bought BTC few days ago expecting new year high.. bad move. Know that famous post of the "HOLD" in bitcointalk, where the OP said he was a bad trader and he knew it? so better buy and HODL for the longterm. Just choose wisely: Kubitx, Beatzcoin, GRAYLL, aelf, ftec..
Firstly, resistance is quite strong and there has been rejection already like 3x but some positive signs still show anyways in my personal opinion, if Bitcoin is able to break above $18,500 again ,may quickly see us into the $30,000 range . Nevertheless, crypto has shocked us in the past especially the last year with predictions of price that went completely wrong. I hope to see more proponents for mining/trading which obviously has been a more secure consistent and profitable means of earning off crypto. It has also been proven over and over again that winning in Crypto currency (Bitcoin mining ) is a combination of experience and good strategy and you can always join the winning team of a more experienced miners with already working and proven strategy and softwares . One of the best remains crypto crow and with him, i have been successful in my trades at least 98% of the times and have realised over $60,000 in profit, MAY 2019 alone so i advice you forget predictions and start making good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses. For all questions reach him at cryptocrow800(at)gmail .com and gain more with your little experience
this guy lmao
Can someone help me get started?
I love lego! You have to destress. Do you think there will be an alts season?
I am Satoshi. Starting Monday, we are plunging!!! Strap up for 20% correction. Don't say I didn't warn you!!!
George says: "this correction is healthy." I wholeheartedly agree! When it goes up parabolically it's more likely to crash harder.
Take a look at the past corrections in George's chart and you will see healthy corrections all through it. It's the market in action.
When it comes to bitcoin mining Denis law trading is the best so far, i keep making profits
this guy is poison
I always thought Bittrex was a pretty huge US exchange?
Matter of fact I was planning to switch to them from binance before September.
What is the song at the beginning of the video
Sold 20% of my BTC to pay back all of my initial crypto investment. All was held long term so gets the best tax treatment.
I would have held but needed the money to buy a new 2nd home.
BTW a there's a bill being discussed to force Americans to disperse their entire 401K in 5 years from rrtirement, forcing the highest tax bracket!
It's criminal if Trump signs it.
If you're young, don't use a 401K. Use a Roth IRA that supports BTC.
Just got my Lego Lambo and its just a beginning! To the Moon ?
14K all right….lololololol…no no moonboy….not in the short term
Still like the new intro…
James Samuel, he helped me gain back more than half of what I sold, now I can say proudly I own over 35 Btc in my portfolio, if you want to recover your losses and stack up like me or learn how to trade successful, he is the right pro trader for you, reach him on *Email/hangout*( jamessamuel271@gmail.com)
So bearish short term
Be healthier if it pulled back to the 10k range imo. Either way I'm bullish.
yes, we are ready for a $14000 bitcoin this weekend. Thank you.
Ha! Im not waiting for $14000,Im waiting for $ 100,000
Hey George do you wear any pants? Or just walk around apartment in underwear?
Sorry my George.. I left you at the kitchen.. and totally forgot about my phone..
Hey George, glad you’re still with us and for us.
This is my reason why I think the price of xrp will not go up by much. Listen . The fact is that 100,000s of people own xrp. Xrp will be exclusively utilized by banks and maybe even Gov. central banks. The banks know that a lot of the public owns xrp. Banks have always been against the public. Banks and the Government are allies, remember when the government bailed the banks out? They will not let the price of xrp rise to such a point where WE would make life changing wealth from. That is exactly against what banks are about, they are against the public citizens making profits. They need to stop the flow of money to the public, they exist to profit and to suppress prosperity for the common man. . . If they are able to control the transmission, volume and price of an ASSET that WE own then you can be sure that they will suppress it. A gun will not be held to their head forcing them to use xrp. They are never obligated to. Basically: Governments and banks have always been anti-public, they have been against us. You really think they will let xrp run and make us all millionaires??? No. that has never happened in the history of mankind. If they utilize Ripple's tech, the tech will have nothing to do with xrp. It will be a side chain, it will be some kind of fork off xrp that is on separate block chain and only made to be used by banks. Banks never give out wealth to the citizens. Has never happened, likely never will. That is my reason. peace
HODL til lambo is parked in your citadel mansion. Easy bros.