From new races to an alternate dimension, here’s 7 new things in Final Fantasy XIV’s Shadowbringers expansion. Presented by Square Enix. Subscribe to IGN …
From new races to an alternate dimension, here’s 7 new things in Final Fantasy XIV’s Shadowbringers expansion. Presented by Square Enix. Subscribe to IGN …
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Should I watch this or is it spoilers?
I want a gun blade in my life
idk about other but ffxiv look… too stiff to me. its look fancy yet so lifeless.
Oh great… They are adding in the Trust System…..
The system that killed Final Fantasy 11 Online by making an MMO into a game where you don't need other players for most things.
Looks like Square Enix wants to kill off this game now too.
So basically its the dark ages in ffxiv
Pretty annoyed that the sword wielding classes are tanks. I wanted to DPS as a two handed sword wielder but that's not possible.
"A darker story"… let's just say the ring, the grudge , Legion, , Venom. I think Squareenix just invented a new horror genre.
Tanks actually have to wait for a que, which depresses me.
The story so far has been pretty dark and disturbing, its great!
I like the art design but the gameplay looks so 2005
Pretty sure New Game Plus isn't available until Path 5.1 hits.
Super grindfest?
Aren’t there too many final fantasies? I mean it’s called final but it’s got like 14 versions
I’d love to play this, but I’ve never even made it to heavensward content
What are the leveling jobs, and where do I go to find them?
Did you use footage from Graehl Gaming? Because that guy really put a lot of work into making his videos; acknowledgment and giving credit where it's due is the least you can do.
The trust system sounds so….antiMMO.
I'm really thinking about renewing my subscription for this game for ps4.??
I needed the trust system since my internet connection isnt the best, but can I start a new character after if it's my third time doing it?
Should I try this game? I haven’t tried a final fantasy game since 12
I want to like this game but the Main Story Quest length really bores me, I gave up midway through the Stormblood ones even though I love everything else about it.
Should talk about Final Fantasy VII Remake on Amazon they took off the release date when this game got announced this supposed to come out March 15th 2020
I still haven't forgiven you gun breaker gameplay, the person playing didn't even understand the basics of tanking lol.
It's amazing so far.
Inscreva se no meu canal ?
#1 DDOS crashing servers. Oh wait thats not new that happebs everytime therws new content
Theses queue times to login are killing me
Any gamer/rapper check my content on my new channel?
Welp time to finally play a machinist!
I was here…
1. Bunnies in thongs
2. Bunnies in thongs
3. Bunnies in thongs
4. Bunnies in thongs
5. Bunnies in thongs
6. Bunnies in thongs
7. Bunnies in thongs