Well done job explaining the tariff situation without taking political sides. If only all news could be held to this standard.
Xbox has gained a decimal of respect. It’s like the battle of the five armies when the Elves dwarves and men united to fight the orcs.
Next Year: Trumps lose the Elections.
And now we wait for the ultimate console.
Just move the factories back home
Money unites everything
Greedy companies going up against a leader for the American people? Of course let's side with the companies, they make my favorite games.
I watched the whole video thinking Daem had a Street Fighter shirt on.
Cue HALO theme song…
Don’t care I pc game
Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony teaming up to save their consoles? *Happiness Noises*
They need to stop doing business with a regime that has concentration camps.
Nintendo potentially moving switch production to japan would be amazing due to these tariffs. That would be like apple making iPhones in California. Jobs jobs jobs!
Rangers Assemble!
Don't mind me, just waiting for this comment section to catch fire
The 3 Nation Army rise up
And yet Sony REFUSES to do crossplay
I still prefer Physical media.
We're in the endgame now..
We gamers have been oppressed long enough
O-orange man bad!!!!
I see why the president is putting these tariffs in place, these tariffs would hurt China help us and could possibly move those companies to America… but it wouldn’t hurt excluding consoles from these tariffs
The Tri-Force of gaming consoles unite in order to defeat a common foe… Trumps Tariffs.
The team up we’ve been waiting for
, cloud based gameing i rather own the games instead of useing some crummy cloud based service, i think googles cloud based gameing service wont last that long
F china
The can build the consoles anywhere for as cheap as in China. There is no need to do business China.
Even the most bitter of enemies will team up against a common foe
Of course. International economics are a complicated issue and tariffs toss a wrench in the entire thing.
Well done job explaining the tariff situation without taking political sides. If only all news could be held to this standard.
Xbox has gained a decimal of respect. It’s like the battle of the five armies when the Elves dwarves and men united to fight the orcs.
Next Year: Trumps lose the Elections.
And now we wait for the ultimate console.
Just move the factories back home
Money unites everything
Greedy companies going up against a leader for the American people? Of course let's side with the companies, they make my favorite games.
I watched the whole video thinking Daem had a Street Fighter shirt on.
Cue HALO theme song…
Don’t care I pc game
Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony teaming up to save their consoles? *Happiness Noises*
They need to stop doing business with a regime that has concentration camps.
Nintendo potentially moving switch production to japan would be amazing due to these tariffs. That would be like apple making iPhones in California. Jobs jobs jobs!
Rangers Assemble!
Don't mind me, just waiting for this comment section to catch fire
The 3 Nation Army rise up
And yet Sony REFUSES to do crossplay
I still prefer Physical media.
We're in the endgame now..
We gamers have been oppressed long enough
O-orange man bad!!!!
I see why the president is putting these tariffs in place, these tariffs would hurt China help us and could possibly move those companies to America… but it wouldn’t hurt excluding consoles from these tariffs
The Tri-Force of gaming consoles unite in order to defeat a common foe… Trumps Tariffs.
The team up we’ve been waiting for
, cloud based gameing i rather own the games instead of useing some crummy cloud based service, i think googles cloud based gameing service wont last that long
F china
The can build the consoles anywhere for as cheap as in China. There is no need to do business China.
Even the most bitter of enemies will team up against a common foe
Of course. International economics are a complicated issue and tariffs toss a wrench in the entire thing.