Josh Sigurdson talks with Max Keiser, host of The Keiser Report about the parabolic rise of Bitcoin as the Federal Reserve talks about lowering interest rates.
The announcement by several localized Fed chairs lead to a massive 6 year high rally in gold followed by a massive breakout in the price of Bitcoin alongside several other altcoins.
Max breaks down his thoughts on replacing the Federal Reserve with cryptocurrency, mainly Bitcoin and why he’s a Bitcoin MAXimalist.
The issue of scalability which is of course an important issue is discussed by Max who says he sees Bitcoin as a store of value and doesn’t see a lot of value in other cryptocurrencies. This is of course a highly debated viewpoint, but nonetheless, a viewpoint that many hold.
Finally Max shows us his shoes, talks about his future television specials and compliments the Bitcoin 2019 Conference as we film from San Francisco, California.
Stay tuned as we continue to follow these issues closely!
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Video edited by Josh Sigurdson
Max Keiser
Josh Sigurdson
Graphics by Bryan Foerster and Josh Sigurdson
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~ Josh
Food, Water and Ammunition to defend your food and water. I the coming crisis, you wont be able to transact your bitcoin if you not in the Internet of things and if you have not been a good boy then the system will just switch you off
Grilled cheese and pop sickles said it all.
Max struggles with the maximalist questions….I think his soul is telling him BTC is not the only crypto that will do well.
He looks like a pedophile boy lover.
Those shoes matched your shirt perfectly. Nice!
lolz…. got unsubscribed… wtf… liking, sharing and subscribing back… They started a war they eventually gonna lose
bitcoin is for funding the cabals thts my understanding
Max says the Fed can't raise interest rates. He's right. No country can afford to pay the interest on their debt if interest rates are raised significantly. Fiat currency will crater one day soon when compared to bitcoin.
How come everybody want to keep it like the keiser?
Give it away
Give it away
Give it away
– Red Hot Chili Peppers/Give It Away Now
King Coin ?? Max for President ?
BTC already 50k+ unconfirmed transactions. This will not destroy the dollar because it DOES not scale.https://www.blockchain.com/btc/unconfirmed-transactions
Wow! Another GREAT video!
you give bitcoin too much credit, yeah it is all good but too volatile, speculative to me, still.
Litecoin has great Hash rate and lower fees!?
A Elyria currency will kill the dollar. But it won’t be bit. To many countries banned it and criminal enterprise runs 80% of the world. So it has to work for them better than greenbacks.
The title is a complete ignorance.by the point something like this happens,the Keizer guy will be dead.
Keiser is a fucking druggy . I can spot a druggy a mile away.
People cannot buy gas or groceries or car pats or anything with bitcoin your all a bunch of lying assholes on jewtube. go to hell
How does his shoes match your shirt? Bizarre.
BTC went up $3,000 in 3 days. Amazing stuff, my $250 has doubled in the past month. xD
The time for other coins is over really? Why? Because you say so? Because you're a narrow minded shill?
Bitcoin and lightning are funded by mastercard. Bitcoin cash is the real bitcoin. The truth will come out.
Do you want to earn bitcoin?
Contact Philip on WhatsApp +12395796274 he really changed my life i invest with him and I got some coin into my wallet real and legit
11:25 Max Keiser: "At the root of it all is that individual sovereignty issue …and then from there a lot flows because then you have communities that are thinking differently they're like okay we've seceded from this encroaching surveillance state and war state and and and we have now we have the right to assemble…"
World Pumpin Media
Great interview Josh. I love Max!
The U.S. Dollar is a scam. Period!
fiat is shi-at.
Hi Josh! His shoes appeared to match your shirt ?. Thanks always for the info…
I would love to see a video about how to move bitcoin from coinbase to a Canadian exchange if I ever want to cash out. But, glad I never did that with QuadrigaCX!
More of a pm guy but I’m buying bitcoin. Any advice on creating safe wallet/ vault? Is Coinbase a good alternative? Thanks
Josh you're so great dude ! I am constantly impressed by you ! Honored to be your friend and ally bro !
HOW could Bitcoin function as a workable currency that can be bought and traded in B2B, B2C, C2C transactions worldwide? The quantity is so limited, wouldn't that imply that a few people have masses amounts of wealth, or alternatively, that many people have very little?
max is the hero we deserve
Love max but I hope he's not ill. Seems he's aged a lot in the past couple of years
Me thinks Max lacked genuine belief that BItcoin could scale effectively this bullrun. When asked,his reply just seemed weak. He then launches into his own Bullrun about how BTC is a store of value coin……..
And yet I'm still not turning my FIAT into bitcoin. Next sales man please. But thanks for trying Josh and max.
I'd love to meet Max Keiser.
keisers got your shirt on his feet. hes looking like a mad scientists as usual.
Lol yeah right it will get hacked again. Lose your money with bitcoin
I don't think so
You need to HODL your A$$ off or its coming back down. Us HODLERS need to stick together for MAX profit and fool the sheep into buying more! Keep HODLING!!! WOOHOO!
Mauritania proves BTC is the new age of money
This dude has been wrong more times than I can count. I don’t believe anything he says anymore.
one flew over the cuckoo's nest.
BITCOIN is the NWO property Just another fiat currentce FOOLS MAX KEISER CONTROLLED OPP