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About the Author: IGN


  1. Leave it to IGN to have screen tearing in one of their videos again. Not like you guys have 12m+ subs, and have been doing gaming content for years oh wait…

  2. Does anyone have any idea when this might get fixed? I'm in the middle of playing the game rn and I've noticed that graphics are poor. I'm hoping that this gets fixed soon cause this game is really great

  3. Get a freesync or gsync display or maybe use vsync damn the screen tearing on the pc version i cant handle screen tearing, its sad waited for the switch version loved all the ds castlevania’s and wanted to play this in handheld mode on the switch. There’s no reason this shouldn’t be able to hit 60fps and for sure a locked 30. If they can get doom to run and have the witcher 3 play at all on the switch 60fps is doable. Its gonna get so much harder for the switch especially when next consoles come out, hopefully they will move to tegra X2 or maybe move to amd everyone else has.

  4. is it really such a demanding game that they had to remove some of the effects ? why is the game too dark ? lol meanwhile witcher 3 is being ported to switch 🙂

  5. It… Doesn't look too bad. Looks way better than Yooka-Layle and Mighty No.9. Seriously you guys just like to make controversies for the smallest things.

  6. Guys relax the devs are working to fix the issues. The switch port was rushed that's why because it was initially being made for the WII U. I bought it in the switch also which imo is the best way to play it but putting it on hold for a few weeks till they fix it.

  7. I am so disappointed with the switch version. That commercial sold me that they fixed the issues, little did I know that the switch was neglected

  8. The fact its not even in the top sales for digital only shows its DOA until they fix the game. There is no excuse why this game looks like trash compared to the other platforms

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