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About the Author: IGN


  1. This video does make the game look a lot more fun than the second half we saw at E3. But I'm still skeptical as hell and waiting for post release. I'll get it day one tho if EA refunds me for Battlefront 2 which I haven't played since release week because it was garbage.

  2. I’m actually glad you can kill everyone so easily. Adds to the realism. It’s a lightsaber, it shouldn’t take three hits to kill someone

  3. I don't play the video games… Not from lack of interest but, I'm mainly a Comic Book guy. However I would like to see another Black Jedi aside from Master Mace Windu and Adi Gallia, please and thank you.

  4. Purge Trooper: *Clearly has 1 health bar*
    IGN: "He seems to have 3 health bars"

    Ahhh just the type of accuracy and observation skills I expect from my journalism

  5. I'm getting some serious Ratchet and Clank vibes from this whole "dude with robot on his back who takes people down with one main melee weapon which he can throw in a horizontal spin and call back at any time, also he can go to any planet at any time to do side quests and stuff and theres also some platforming and vehicle stuff" type thing and I'm TOTALLY cool with that

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