I am giving this quad away once we get enough Patreon support!
Visit http://bit.ly/RCAddictPatreon to show your support for the channel and be entered to win this fully RTF quad tuned by me!
You guys have been asking for a budget build for a while now. I’ve never been happy with the cheap gear on the market, so I went through and found the cheapest stuff that won’t suck.
~~~~~~~~(Shown)~~~~~~~~~~(Second option)~~~~~
[Frame] – http://bit.ly/2HDZTHA or http://bit.ly/2Rnn1NE
[Stack] – http://bit.ly/2VWsVWC or http://bit.ly/2KraXum
[Motors] – http://bit.ly/2JHz8UK or http://bit.ly/2Kqzpvz
[VTX] – http://bit.ly/2K6PbLi or http://bit.ly/2MYDbyB
[Cam] – http://bit.ly/2JI6ovi or http://bit.ly/2L7ZQ9d
[RX] – http://bit.ly/2Qtth6f or http://bit.ly/2L14XHW
[Antenna] – http://bit.ly/31IJwBy or http://bit.ly/2WTmiF0
Extra parts I used :
[Loctite] – https://amzn.to/2WQkywf
[Nylon Standoffs] – https://amzn.to/2ZyS784
[8mm screws] – https://amzn.to/2Fk43mb
2019 6s Racing Setup!
[Frame] – SethPV neXus : http://bit.ly/SethPVneXus
[Motors] – Brother Hobby 2207 1750kv : http://bit.ly/2Vrw2py
[ESC] – PyroDrone 4in1 : http://bit.ly/2YgktTI
[FC] – Synergy F4 : http://bit.ly/2PXQk8V
[VTX] – TBS Unify Pro V3 : http://bit.ly/2PZdagm
[Antenna] – Foxeer Lollipop 3 : http://bit.ly/2HlUSSq
[Props] – Gemfan 5149.9 : https://goo.gl/zd83W6
[RX] – TBS CRSF Nano : http://bit.ly/crsfnano
[FPV Cam] Foxeer Micro Predator V4 : http://bit.ly/2Yp6ifo
[Battery] – Tattu V3.0 6s 1300 : http://bit.ly/2HelMNr
[LEDs] – TinysLEDs : https://goo.gl/wU2f1C
[Goggles] – Aomway Commanders : https://amzn.to/2tjrQMS
[Video RX] – Iftron Clearview : https://amzn.to/2Ebcxfu
[Radio] – FrSky Taranis : https://amzn.to/2BBSwgi
[Gimbals] – FrSky M9 : https://amzn.to/2tnmwIr
[FPV Backpack] – ThinkTank Helipack : https://amzn.to/2EahQLX
[Tape] – Super Thin VHB : https://amzn.to/2VzroFY
Check me out on Instagram!
#CheapestWorthBuilding #RacingDrone #FPV
Pretty beautiful build, dude!!! ?
Looking forward to the next parts! ?
I'd love to see you set up a track and compare times between this and one of your more serious racers. It would be interesting to see how much difference the extra money makes.
Well done on this one!
I have 5" 4s setup and its ready for 6s, just need to replace the motors. I just bought Emax LS2207 1900kv last week. Probably it take 2 weeks to arrive in the mailbox. My first 5" 6s setup.
In my country, everybody still run 4s. The thing is, there is one shop sell 6s lipo with 1000mah 75c only. So I need to buy it overseas if I need higher capacity and c rating.
Really need your opinion about 6s lipo mAh and c rating that I should buy for my setup? Ex: IFlight Full Send 6s 1250mAh 95c (free shipg to my country)
*Not a pure racer, but I love racing style quad and race my quad in the field, alone, only the one in the state lol. Just a hobbyist.
I am very interested in your channel especially with your ability to fly your los skills. It is really amazing that I plan to build channels like you. During this time I was still learning fly los in simulation ..
my question is whether building low budget drones can show our ability to fly los? I really appreciate your help
sorry about my English…
Superb build video. My passion re-ignited.. Thanks for the awesome content. (new technique learnt)
Omg I’m still new I just finished watching the 99 built for UFV video ? but I think ur video is better I still don’t have a drone but I always wanted to start this hobby for years Ur vid helped me a lot thank you ??????
I'm a complete noob looking to get into building my first kwad how difficult is it to program FC and 4 in 1 ESC?
What is that brand off the battery strap then ? Nice idea btw to do this ??
Got mit uns on the battery strap…lol. Murika.
Mamba f4 on 6s…not going to happen unfortunately. Love the rest of the build!
Lol that was funny when you realize the xt60 insulation is in wrong direction,?cant wait for the LOS flying
Very nice build! I love this style video! I would love to see a 7 inch build which is "the cheapest that won't suck"
Give us a los and an fpv flight
i love your videos but dissing UAVfutures i thought was a bit harsh in my opinion. both use emachine parts and both use some copies. just cannot do a cheap build without a clone of some kind. and if you are trying to get started for first time. cheapest is always a bonus.. to learn what will work for you .
Good to see you didn`t notice the connector cap being the wrong way lol, that`s such a typical thing to miss lol xD
Btw: Anyone worried about solder splatter, just put something over the board, for instance tape on a piece of paper , or use tape, but if you use tape "de-glue" it a bit, take your lenght of tape and stick it to your shirt or pants and take it off, repeat if necessary.
Saved me a bunch of times even though I`ve been soldering for decades
(I get sloppy some times)
That antenna will break off real bad on the top
This looks horrible
The battery strap and antenna mounting kill this frame in my book.
Those 2207 1900 ecos are decent. They have a tiny bit of play in the bearings – but I've gotten over 100 packs into a set flying metal conduit gates. Really bashed on them. Ripped a 6MM arm off – put a new arm on – motor was fine. I've heard bad things about the 2306 variant though.
Parabéns esse muito legal parabéns
Mannn , you just saved me with the nuts between the standoff and top plate to open it up a bit. I have no clue why I haven't thought of that.
Also spend a tiny bit more on the motors £15.00 and by XING 2207 1700kv and get titanium shafts and a sick motor instead.
Hi rc addict.
I would recomend for this cheap 6s build a 6s f7 flight controller with a built in 600mw selectable VTX, osd ect for £35.00 from banggood.
Then buy separate escs. It is called NTXF7 a unknown brand but really good for what you get. And it is beta flight.
I would become a patreon but since I live in Pakistan I can't charge PayPal and its kinda dangerous to charge cards online as hackers steal em. But still great video! ??
Great video , Thank you!
Yeah worth building!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.L.o.S. KiNg
What’s your recommended 6s budget battery?
Thats almost exactly my new build, but 4s motors
just love the "onthefly problems fix"… and over all love your builds!! not to mention that you don't skip in post the problems facing during the builds.. this hobby is full of that… waiting the maiden flight of this one!! thanks for the video dude!!
Im not very fan of all in one esc. if you burn one, you need to replace the whole board
I made a build with this frame for indoor parking race this winter and it has hold very well but the build is tricky as there is really not much room inside. I went for a 4s build with an AIO fc esc racerstar f4s and I had enough room to make it work with a rxsr and a tramp vtx.
If you want to make this build in 6s I would go for the diatone mamba and a tbs nano vtx any other vtx would make the build challenging.
can you build a 2 ore 3 inch powerhouse to copy as we are still unsure on frame lol.
Nice vidéo thanks !
Awesome as always! I wish you make same video a year or two earlier XD
God is with us
certainly more worth it than any uavfutures build
pls put a dvr of its video
are those aluminum motor nuts or iron? many cheap motor comes with iron/steel nuts.
25:11 haha… keep going nothing happens…